Coming back home

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"Please Jiminie, open your eyes" Hoseok cries praying for his boyfriend to open his eyes. everyone beside him praying while Jin was red from anger. His fist clenches in anger. Making plans on how to kill Gong.

Jimin slowly opens his eyes. His eyes landing on Hoseok who was a mess from crying. Hoseok looks at Jimin with teary eyes.

"Jimin!" Hoseok shouts in happiness grabbing everyone's attention to Jimin. Hoseok kisses his upper hand. Tears falling on Jimin soft hands.

"Thank god" Hoseok cries kissing him softly. Jimin smiles weakly and soon sees Jin in the back. Fear was seen in his eyes as he looks at Jin who was glaring angrily at him. Jin gives him one last glare and leaves the room. Nobody notices it as they were busy with Jimin.

"Take rest Jimin," Namjoon says with a smile of relief as he signals everyone in the room to leave. Everyone nods and left the room leaving the Jihope duo alone. Hoseok was still crying tears never stopped. He smiles and wipes tears away making himself strong

"Baby, I will leave too okay?" Hoseok says as he stands up but Jimin grabs his hand making him stop.

"Please stay with me, I am scared" Hoseok looks at Jimin who seems like was about to cry, Hoseok sits beside on the bed.

"I am not going anywhere okay?" Jimin smiles. Hoseok kisses on his forehead.

"Sleep well"


"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GONG!!!" Jin shouts in anger. As he enters the room where Jimin was kept. Only to find Gong hanging there. Jin kicks the bed in anger.

"I WANTED TO KILL YOU FROM MY OWN FUCKING HANDS!!!!" Jin sits on the bed grabbing his hair in anger.

"AGHHHH!!" He shouts again. His phone starts to ring. He picks up the phone but gets calm as he sees the name 'Joonie'. He picks the phone with a smile. ever seen any person change like this? For me, no but for Jin, it was yes, He loved Namjoon so much he can't even think about hurting him. It doesn't matter how angry he was just looking at Namjoon name he changes himself like a flash of light.

[On Phone]

"Hello, baby?"

"Hello, Jinnie? Where are you?"

"I am out, why?"

"How could you leave like this? Jimin just arrived home and you just, I am disappointed"

"I am sorry baby, I just wanted to take some fresh air"

" 'Sighs' Its okay baby, Just come home back, I need you right now"

"Ok baby, I am coming"

Saying this Jin hangs up. He glances over Gong for the last time and leaves the room.

I don't know you anymore.

To Be Continued.....

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now