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"Please trust me!" Jimin cries Hoseok was widened eyed, not knowing whether Jimin was telling the truth. Jimin keeps crying trying to explain what Jin did to him but seems like Hoseok was not gonna trust him. Of course, how can he? Jin is his Hyung, he thinks of him as his older brother, how the fuck can he trust what Jimin was saying in front of him? It was something he can't believe what Jimin was saying.

Seriously Jimin has lost his mind.

"Jimin this is nonsense, I think you are still not completely recovered," Hoseok says while Jimin keeps begging to trust him. Jimin knew that it was gonna be hard but he can't let Jin hurt him again and he needed Hoseok help as he was his strength. Hoseok was losing his patients and he violently grabs Jimin pinning him to the wall harshly hurting Jimin. Jimin moans in pain as he looks at Hoseok, His eyes... Jimin could see darkness in them and he realized how he is gonna be dead. Hoseok comes closer to him, his hot breath hitting Jimin's lips giving Jimin goosebumps.

"H-Hos-" Before he could finish Hoseok kisses him harshly, biting down his lips making them bleed. Jimin moans between their kiss knowing that he is gonna get punished and he was fucking ready. He likes it when Hoseok punishes him. The sweeter he looks the more dangerous he is.

Hoseok pulls apart breathing heavily letting Jimin breathe as well. Jimin looks at Hoseok who was smirking as he grabs Jimin again and throws him on the bed and goes towards the closet opening it. Jimin sits up and looks at Hoseok who was getting some toys out. Sex toys.

Hoseok smirk grows wider making Jimin gulp. They never used toys before.

Hoseok takes out a dildo, and handcuffs and comes towards him with an evil smile.

Who knew someone could change like this?

"Now be a good boy and let me do what I am doing, ok?" Jimin nods scared as hell. Hoseok handcuffs his hands and rips his shirt off.

Hoseok removes his pants along with boxers smirking at his already hard dick.

"Needy huh?" Jimin nods in pain he needed Hoseok right now. Hoseok smiles knowing how he had control over Jimin right now.

"Spread" Jimin do what Hoseok told him to, he spread his legs letting Hoseok his view. Hoseok licks his bottom lips. He turns on the vibrating dildo and places it on Jimin hole making him moan.

"Aaaa~~" Jimin keeps moaning. While Hoseok starts to undress. He starts to pump himself letting out small moans. Jimin looks at him and moans. Moan of pain,

"I want you Hoseok" Hoseok smiles and keeps pumping himself without answering him which made Jimin furious.

"H-Hoseok... I FUCKING NEED YOU" Hoseok chuckles and keeps pumping making Jimin scream. Jimin wanted Hoseok to fuck him until he breaks apart.

He really has control over Jimin.

"So sad because this is your punishment" Hoseok laughs evilly as he keeps pumping himself in front of him making Jimin want him more and more.

"H-Hoseok please" Jimin cries tears running through his red cheeks which were pluffed. His red lips trembling as he realizes he was close.

"I- I am cumming" As soon as Hoseok hears it he takes out the dildo making Jimin groan in pain.

"I remember I had some work, I will be get going" Hoseok gets up from the bed Jimin crawls on his knees even tho his hands were still cuffed.

"No please no" Jimin begs on his knees with hoseok standing in front of him.

"What?" Hoseok says arrogantly.

"Please fuck me, Fuck me so hard that I won't be able to walk tomorrow" Jimin begs again. Damn, he was telling Hoseok how Jin is dangerous and look now, How he ended up begging Hoseok to fuck. Hoseok smiles and crouches down at Jimin level grabbing his chin softly.

"You sure want be" Saying this he lifts Jimin up and throws him back on the bed. He removes the handcuffs with the help of a small key and throws it on the corner of the room.

"Ready whore?" Jimin smiles and bites his lip, he kisses Hoseok placing his hands on Hoseok neck pulling him more closer to make the kiss deeper. Hoseok moves from his lips to his neck sucking hard on them earning soft moans. Those moans are like music to Hoseok ears. He removes himself from his neck stroking his cock a little and then positions himself in front of Jimin hole.

He didn't even bother lubing his cock. Without warning, he thrusts himself harshly inside Jimin making moan so loudly that even neighbors heard it. Do you think they care?


Hoseok keeps thrusting without letting Jimin adjust. He was surely not gonna walk for weeks. Jimin was a moaning mess in some minutes. Soon Jimin feels a knot building up in his stomach as Hoseok clinches in him as well. Both near their climax. Hoseok thrusts become sloppier.

"Fuck!!!" Jimin moans as he cums on Hoseok chest and his stomach heavily. Hoseok groans as he cums inside Jimin as well. Hoseok throws himself on Jimin as his face hides on the crook of Jimin neck. Both breathing heavily. Hoseok gets up from Jimin pulling himself out and falling on Jimin side. A smile plaster on Hoseok lips as he kisses Jimin softly.

"Sorry if I hurt you baby" Jimin smiles kissing Hoseok back softly.

"It's okay baby, I had fun" Hoseok smiles cutely. Jimin puts his head on Hoseok chest hugging him. Hoseok ruffles through his hair.

"Baby?" Jimin asks, Hoseok replies with a hum. Jimin gulps as he knew he was gonna say the thing Hoseok hates now.

"Baby, I swear to god, I swear on my life, Trust me Jin hyung was the one who did it" Hoseok rolls his eyes as he sighs.

"Bab-" Jimin cuts him by placing a finger on his lips.

"Tell me, have I ever lied to you before?" Hoseok shakes his head in no.

"Then why would I lie to you about Jin hyung? Isn't he, my hyung as well? Why would I go against the one I love? Tell me?" Hoseok sighs again not knowing this situation. It was true that Jimin loved Jin the most after him, and the fact Jimin never ever lied to him before. Somehow his heart was not agreeing with the statement Jimin was giving.

"If you still don't believe me then I will take you to the place I was kept after getting kidnapped"

Hoseok widens his eyes

To Be Continued........

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