Good Time

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"Did you guys find him?" Yoongi asks with a worried voice meanwhile Namjoon was in front of him as he nods.

"Yes, he is back, thank god" Yoongi sighs in relief but his blood boils in anger.

Why the fuck would do something like this to an angel? I swear I will kill that person.

Yoongi yells inside his head, not knowing the person who did was no other than his own hyung. His precious hyung. Who respects the most.

"Leave it, btw how are you feeling now? And when will you discharged?" Yoongi sighs.

"I am feeling better now, and the doctor is saying that I can discharge tomorrow" Namjoon smiles brightly flashing his dimples.

"We all are missing you hyung. We all are missing the days when we all used to hang out. Once you are discharged we all well have a party. by me I promise" Yoongi laughs softly.

"Then I will make sure to eat a lot so you won't be left with any money anymore" Both laughs and Namjoon nods.

"Sure eat as much as you that time, I won't stop to" Yoongi smiles. Namjoon looks at his watch and stands up.

"Hyung I will be leaving, I will come tomorrow to pick you up, take care" Yoongi nods.

"You too"


"I want to go and meet him" Taehyung begs to Jungkook as he keeps scrolling down on his phone.

"Let him take rest Tae," Jungkook says but seems like Tae was not giving up.

He wanted to meet his soulmate but Jungkook refuses to take him to Hoseok house. When he searches for the keys to the car he gets to know Jungkook was having them.

"But-" Jungkook cuts him with a kiss making Tae blush right away.

"I am sure he is having a good time with Hoseok hyung," Jungkook says putting his phone aside and standing in front of Tae.

"So let me give a good time as well" Jungkook winks making Taehyung blush even more. Jungkook starts off with a kiss as he picks up Taehyung. Taehyung wraps his legs around his waist, wrapping his hands on Jungkook neck to make the kiss deeper. Jungkook starts walking towards their bedroom still kissing Taehyung. He throws Taehyung on the bed and closes the door locking it. Jungkook started to take off his clothes as well as Taehyung. Both now were only left in their boxers. Jungkook started sucking every part of Taehyung body making him moan in pleasure. Jungkook took off Taehyung boxers and starts sucking his already hard cock. Taehyung grabs a fist full of hair pushing more inside Jungkook nearly making him choke. Jungkook sucking realizing Taehyung was near as Taehyung shots his load on the back of Jungkook throat.

Jungkook drinks it all now coming near Taehyung to kiss him again before taking off his boxers.

"Let's make this night memorable"

To Be Continued......

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now