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"How are you feeling?" Jin asks rubbing Yoongi's hand. Namjoon was standing behind while Jin was seated beside Yoongi.

"Better" This is all he replied with.

"Good," Namjoon says smiling but getting a blank face in return.

"I wanna go home" Jin can understand his pain. Looking at his friend like this breaks his heart.

"You will, Soon" Jin looks at Namjoon with pitiful eyes.

Namjoon whispers something in Jin ear and Jin nods.

"Yoongi we well are heading for home," Jin says as Yoongi nods.

He knew namjoon and jin stayed in the hospital so they would be tired.

"Take care and we will come tomorrow," Namjoon says smiling, Yoongi gives him a weak smile.

As soon as they leave Yoongi lets out a sigh.

I loved you so much Hoseok, Why did you do that to me? What is so special about Jimin that isn't in me?

Tears started to form in Yoongi eyes.

Knock Knock

Yoongi gets out of his thoughts and wipes his tears quickly as he throws his glance at the door seeing Jimin smiling at him.

"Hi hyung," Jimin says but Yoongi ignores.

"Hyung I know you are hurt but-"

"Shut the fuck up Jimin" Yoongi shouts not letting Jimin complete his sentence.

"Nobody invited you" Jimin bites his lips his missed Yoongi a lot but Yoongi anger was understandable.

"Get lost," Yoongi says Jimin looks at Yoongi with shock


"I SAID GET OUT!!!!" Jimin flinches and runs out of the room crying his heart out.

Poor Jimin went to solve problems but the story changed.

It was my fucking fault! Why did I go there???

Jimin runs out of the hospital only bumping into someone.

"Are you blind?" The man shouts. Jimin with his whole face red because of crying bows.

"I am sorry" Jimin apologize and was about to past the man when that person grabs his wrist.

"I didn't forgive you yet," The man says as Jimin stare at him shocked.


"LET ME GO!!!" voice echos in the room. That man took Jimin to his house locking in his room. Jimin was whole naked with his hands and legs tied to edges of the bed.

"I SAID LET ME FUCKING GO!!" Jimin shouts again without getting a reply.

Then only, The door opens revealing the man from before with a wide smile on his face.

The man sits beside Jimin his hands running through his toned abs.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Jimin tries to shake his hands off his body but the man doesn't stop his hand going down near Jimin crotch. The man harshly grabs Jimin dick hearing Jimin high pitch moan.

"Please... stop" Jimin lets out a cry but the man doesn't care.

"Aww, It would be sad if I get to know u are single" The man laughs making Jimin shout again in horrified.

"So baby, are you single?" Jimin cries without replying to him.

"ANSWER ME!" The man slaps on Jimin face making Jimin lips bleed as the ring that man was wearing hits badly on Jimin lips.

"No," Jimin replies.

"Really? Who is she then?" Jimin cries again thinking about Hoseok. How much worried he would be right now.

"I said WHO IS SHE?" The man slaps again but this time on Jimin thigh making it red.

"Its a boy" The man smirks.

"So you are gay? nice" The man smirks grabs Jimin cock again.

"Let's have the fun baby" Jimin cries out 'No' But seems like the man was having fun. He starts to pump Jimin hearing his high pitch moans. Jimin doesn't want to do it but he was weak and he can't control his moans. The man without any warning thrust himself inside making Jimin cry out. The man keeps thrusting. Jimin was feeling so weak that he can't even talk anymore, his eyes become heavier and he faints. But that doesn't stop a man from thrusting. Soon enough he cums inside Jimin filling him up.


[On Phone]

"Hello, Jin hyung?"

"Yes, Hoseok?"

"Do you know where is Jimin?"

"No? Why you both fought?"

"No, He said he was going to meet Yoongi hyung but when I went to the hospital he wasn't there"

"Its ok Hoseok, Do not panic"

"But Jin hyung, He isn't picking up calls and you know he never ignores my calls."

"Don't worry Hoseok, I and Namjoon will figure something out."

"Please hyung fast"

"Ok, Hoseok take care and I will try my best"


Where are you, baby?

To Be Continued......

War For You | Namjin | Kim Namjoon | Kim Seokjin ✔Where stories live. Discover now