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Jimin POV

We to the house where I was kept. Even tho my ass was still sore from last night, I was still able to walk and for now, I would do anything to prove to Hoseok I am telling the truth. Hoseok locked his fingers with mine as we both heard police sirens. Confused I entered the house with three or four police cars parked near the house. We both were scared as I tried to peek inside the house only to stopped by an officer.

"Who are you?" The officer asks. I gulp and speak.

"I am Park Jimin" I introduce myself to the officer, he throws his glance at Hoseok as Hoseok takes the hint and tells his name as well.

"Do you have any relationship with the owner of this house, Mr. Gong?" Jimin nods his head. Hoseok looks at him confused until he understands Jimin intentions.

"Yes, I am his nephew, and this is my boyfriend," Jimin says and points at Hoseok, he then again tries to peek inside the house which was full of officers investigating something.

"I have come back from Busan to meet him, can I?" Officer looks at Jimin with pitiful eyes.

"Sorry, you can't," The officer says making Jimin raise his brow.

"Why?" Officer sighs before answering feeling bad for Jimin.

"He is no more in this world, he suicided" Jimin cups his mouth in shock. Hoseok eyes widen.

"It is not safe for you both to stay here anymore," Officer says. Another officer comes from behind, in his hand was a letter.

"Sir, this is some kind of letter I found in his room" He hands that letter to that officer and then turning back to the house again for investigation.

"Well because you are his nephew then you have the right to read it" The officer hands the letter to Jimin. Officer bows as well as both Hoseok and Jimin le\aving the house. They head to their car and Hoseok decides to drive.

They both were now in the car as Jimin looks at the letter with fear in his eyes.

"Open it," Hoseok says, Jimin nods and opens the sealing of the letter taking out a paper. Jimin clears his throat and starts to read.

The letter

To Jin,
Hello Jin, I have worked for you for years, forgive me. I know I backstabbed you because you trusted me the most. But today when I saw that boy begging me for his life. His tears and his pink cheeks. His plump lips. I had to free him. The way he was worried about his boyfriend like he would die without him
[Jimin blushes at this part making Hoseok smile softly] broke my heart. I don't know why but I felt pity for him, strange because I never felt pity for anyone ever but this boy special. Somehow I felt you were doing wrong and I decided to let him be free. I never understood why you made him suffer like this? I mean why? He was calling you hyung, [Hoseok starts to tear up] he was saying you were his big brother, his life. Then why did you do that to him? I know I won't be alive when you would know I let him go. So I am taking my own life, Bye.

From Gong

Hoseok starts to sob while driving. Jimin tries to calm him. He knows that the truth was bitter but he has to know because Jin will keep fooling them.

"I-I am sorry Jimin" Hoseok sobs again remembering how he blamed the right one. He can't believe this.

"It's okay baby, no need to apologize. I am happy that you finally know that I was telling truth" Jimin says with a smile. Hoseok takes his hand and the upper side of his hand.

"I love you, baby, I promise I would trust you forever" Jimin blushes. Hoseok was his weakness and his strength.

"I love you too"

To Be Continued.......

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