Logbook Entry - Podracer for one day

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We had to go to Mon Gazza for a stolen data file. The Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi has failed in this attempt. Anakin and I were summoned to the planet Queel to make a spy separatists, Messo, locate. And so we traveled in the Mon Gazza system.

On Queel ...

Anakin was on his way to find Messo. After a few minutes he came back and told us that Messo has the file no longer his own, but someone else. Rex, Anakin and I observe the famous Mon Gazza Speedway Podracer.

Rex and Anakin are of the opinion that the racer Kidd Kareen must be a spy. 

"Ahsoka, I have a plan. You removed yourself as an oil boy to the Podracer and talk with Kareen. Find out everything about him." said Anakin.
"She should make him beautiful eyes, so that she comes into the team," said Rex funny.
"But no even more, and if that should something, we are immediately on the spot." said Anakin.
I nodded and the two disappeared into the crowd.

It didn't take long and Kareen came up to me and flirted with me, "Well, what makes such a beauty like you to Mon Gazza?"
"Oh ... thank you ... well I'm looking for a fast race and I wanted to see the best Podracer" I told him.
I turned around and was about to leave when Kareen called "Wait ... what's your name? I'll give you an exclusive tour of the speedway track."
I looked over my shoulder and said," My name is Ahsoka. Ahsoka Tano. Thank you."

We did a lap on the speedway track and Kidd told me all about his life as a Podracer. When we arrived back at the Start / Finish line I saw Anakin. I was about to descend, when Kidd Kareen took me at the waist and helped me down. I turned to him and saw that Anakin looked scowling.

-I think he's jealous!–

"Um ... Could I work for you as an oil boy" I asked shyly.
"Not willing to relocate. I'm pleased." he said enthusiastically.
He left and I ran to Anakin, who was in a heated discussion with Kareen's team.
"Skyguy... what is this," I asked him.
"Nothing. What did you find out?" he asked me.
"I think he has nothing to do with the separatists Anakin." I told him.

Towards evening, the first race was. I just refilled the oil to Kareen Podracer when I heard Kareen and Maxus who were talking about me. Suddenly Maxus came up to me and pushed me. I fell over the oil tank and landed hard on the ground. Maxus grabbed me by my yellow boiler suit and wanted to hit me straight. But Anakin stopped him. He helped me up and Kidd ran up to me and hugged me.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

When I was about to answer, he kissed me on the cheek. I realized by the force that Anakin was very angry and he clenched his fists. Kidd went and took Maxus with him.

"Anakin ... it's all right. You can be reassured ... yes" I told him. He looked at me and nodded.

-So he likes me very much ... he is perhaps also in love with me? I could feel by the force, how he hurt this little kiss. So he was really jealous.–

I continued to work on the Podracer and as nobody was looking at me, I left a few screws float to me. Just before the race started, Kidd told me that I was allowed to drive. What made me happy. I got dressed and headed to the start.


Anakin and Rex were hearing a conversation between Maxus and Kareen.

"Thank you that you warned me of Tano. I hate Jedi. This is their fault that the war has broken out. I am not especially proud of you." said Kareen.
"What do you think, when we lure Tano into a trap. I will inform my Separatist spy.
"Oh no," exclaimed Anakin.

They both wanted to warn Tano, but were stopped by Kareen's team.

In the race...

Suddenly Maxus and Kidd pushed me into the dangerous, long-Plated Skeleton Staits gorge. Maxus shock with me and I lost petrol and oil.

"Kareen help me ... please," I cried.

He rushed up to me and I jumped from my exploding pod. I looked over at Maxus and saw Asajj Ventress. I immediately activated my lightsaber and was immediately involved in a duel with Ventress. I felt a sharp pain in my right arm and fell off the Podracer. Anakin came rapidly toward Ventress and we both felt a violent force clash, as Maxus handed Asajj the data file. Maxus crashed and Kareen ran to me to help me up. The next moment Ventress fled from Anakin Skywalker. Ani rushed to me and tied me a cloth around the wound. When he had finished, I fell on his neck and I could feel his arms wrapped around me.

Later when we were back in stock, we decided to leave Mon Gazza. Kidd ran towards us.

"Wait ... wait ... you are the legendary Podracer Anakin Skywalker. We should definitely check against each other" he said with awe.
"Gladly. We'll be back when the war is over. " promised Anakin.

And so we were on our way to the Resolute.

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