Logbook Entry - Mission: First Battle of Felucia & Holocron Heist

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Here are two more missions on that I was.

Mission: First Battle of Felucia & Holocron Heist

"Masters, this incident is my responsibility. Because of Ahsoka's advanced abilities, I forgot how young she is. I gave her more freedom than I should have."
"That may be. But it doesn't excuse what happened on Felucia. I think she needs some time away from the battlefield."

―Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu, discussing my punishment.—

As the war continued, Confederate forces—led by General Grievous—invaded the Outer Rim planet of Felucia. High General Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Anakin Skywalker and I led an assault to counter the Separatist threat. The Republic forces engaged the Confederate Navy above the planet and began to break-up their advancement; however, waves of Vulture droids caused problems for the Republic group. Few clone trooper transports made it to the planet surface to aide Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. As battle droids continued to fire on the struggling clone troopers, General Koon cleared the skies of Vulture droids, inside his starfighter. Meanwhile, a Vulture droid fragment fell from the sky and landed on one of the Republic's AT-TE walkers. Seeing that the Republic forces had lost much of its reinforcements, Kenobi signaled for an immediate retreat; however, both Kenobi and Skywalker noticed that I have been missing. Contacting me through his comlink, I revealed that I had engaged another group of battle droids 6 klicks east of the Jedi Masters' location. Kenobi told me that the Republic forces were retreating and she needed to return, which I denied and told him that I had broke through the Separatists' defense. However, Skywalker and Kenobi landed their LAAT/i gunships in front of my Juggernaut Turbo Tank, which caused me to shout at Skywalker in dismay. Skywalker then forced me to enter his gunship. As the Republic forces—on board the LAAT/i gunships—lifted above the ground, the forces within them witnessed the destruction of my Turbo Tank and its reinforcements, which made I finally realize my mistakes.

After leaving Felucia, the Republic forces returned to Coruscant. Inside the Temple's High Council Chamber, Skywalker and I stood before Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Yoda. Kenobi had provided the Council information on what I had done on Felucia. After Windu informed me of Kenobi's information, Windu asked if I agreed with Kenobi's claims. I agreed, and told the Jedi Master that I have regretful of my actions and that I was "caught in the moment." Skywalker defended me by taking the blame for giving me too much responsibility; however, Windu dismissed his claim. The Jedi Master then announced that I would take time off from the battlefield and become a Archives guard, under the assistance of Jedi Librarian Jocasta Nu. Skywalker and I soon left the council chamber and headed for the Archives. Along the way, I reflected on my actions and apologized to my Master; however, Skywalker told me that he understood what I was feeling since he was once a struggling Padawan not too long ago. The Jedi Knight soon greeted Nu, who was near her desk outside the main Archives hall. Skywalker introduced me to Nu, and told the Jedi Librarian that I was to be her new guard officer.

 Skywalker introduced me to Nu, and told the Jedi Librarian that I  was to be her new guard officer

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