Logbook Entry - Mission: Defenders of Peace

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In the afternoon I went to meditate first and then I was training in the training hall with my lightsaber. When I turned Anakin stood in front of me and my lightsaber was just inches away from his face. Slowly I lowered my lightsaber.

"Anakin you scared me."
"I did not want to. Shall we train a little in common?"
"Yes you."

We just started because Alexis came up to me.

"Wait Sky Guy. Alexis?"
"Soka" she sobbed.
"What's going on?"
"I'll leave you two alone" Anakin said, and left.
"Now already tell Alexis."
"You know that I'm with Jack. I just wanted to him since I saw him with another woman."
"Oh ... what now?"
"I do not ..."
"The best you ask him to task before you draw the wrong conclusions."
"Do you think that's a good idea?"
"Yes, I mean, come on then."

Alexis left the hall and I was looking for Anakin, finally we had to finish our training. In my search for Anakin, Barriss came under me.

"Hi Barriss, tell me have you seen Skywalker?"
"No I have not." She said sharply.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing at all ... what should it be? Except that my master has taken you on a mission and not me. You already Skywalker get a masterpiece, so do missions with him and not with Luminara Unduli."
"But I can not help Barriss." I put out yet, but Barriss was further away.

- Oh great, what Barriss has now again. Never contemplated that Padawan should be to be so hard. -

A long time I could not think, for my comlink beeped and that means that we have a mission.

Mission: Defenders of Peace

The Resolute later assisted Jedi Knight Aayla Secura's cruiser, which was being heavily attacked by Separatist Munificent-class frigates. I, my Master, Rex and a platoon went to assist on LAAT/I gunships. Skywalker used the rocket droids as stepping stones to get inside Secura's ship, while I, Rex and the troopers got in when our gunship was shot down and penetrated the hull of the destroyer. Since the cruiser had sustained extensive damage, we had no choice but to escape its imminent destruction by using a docked Consular-class frigate. On our way, we saw an explosive blast approaching them, and Skywalker used a Force-push to throw the others ahead while he held off the blast by closing blast doors with the Force. After the blast dissipated, I managed to haul an unconscious Skywalker out of the wreckage, along with Secura's help, and brought him inside the ship. However, before we could dock with the Resolute to give him medical attention, an assault from Vulture droids knocked out the pilot and accidentally engaged the hyperdrive. Fortunately, the Resolute managed to maneuver out of the way in time, and the frigate jumped to hyperspace.

Upon entering hyperspace,  Bly, Secura, I and Rex realized that the navicomputer was not correctly  set before the hyperdrive was activated, sending them on course for a  nearby star

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Upon entering hyperspace, Bly, Secura, I and Rex realized that the navicomputer was not correctly set before the hyperdrive was activated, sending them on course for a nearby star. Secura ordered all the power systems to be shut down to reset the navicomputer. I protested that doing so would include shutting down life support for Skywalker, but was convinced by Secura that they otherwise would not survive. After shutting down and restarting the ship's systems, I managed to slingshot the ship around the star, but after the stress the ship endured and the rate of speed at which they were going, they were on a collision course with a nearby planet. I successfully kept all of the occupants alive with her maneuvers, despite the damage the ship sustained from the crash landing, garnering praise for my piloting skills from Secura.

Once we settled camp, we had to find help for Skywalker and found proof of sentient life in the form of a tablet with a carving of a tree on it. I volunteered to stay behind; however, Secura explained to her that the two of them had to work together. Rex reassured me that he would stand guard over Skywalker, while we others went to search for help. While I was with Secura, I learned from the Twi'lek master the Jedi-Code of having no personal attachments, but she told me about her attachment to Skywalker. Secura responded by informing me of her attachment to her master. Secura told me that for the greater good, she had to let go of her master. After losing three clone troopers to indigenous animals, we found a village of Lurmen, who had settled on the planet to escape the war. Though their leader Tee Watt Kaa was adamant in not participating in the Republic's conflict with the Separatists, he agreed to give Skywalker medical attention. One of the Lurmen and Watt Kaa's son, Wag Too, accompanied me and Bly to retrieve my Master. We arrived at the camp in time to save Skywalker and Rex from aggressive mastiff phalones. After bringing Skywalker back to the village for Wag Too to treat, I admitted to Secura that if I had stayed with my master, we would have never found the village in time to save him.

As Skywalker was  healing his injuries, a Separatist ship appeared on Maridun, and we, the  Jedi and clones were forced to flee so that the Lurmen would not be  slaughtered for our presence

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As Skywalker was healing his injuries, a Separatist ship appeared on Maridun, and we, the Jedi and clones were forced to flee so that the Lurmen would not be slaughtered for our presence.

I couldn't understand the Lurmen's  aversion to fighting, but Secura told me that it took courage to follow  one's beliefs

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I couldn't understand the Lurmen's aversion to fighting, but Secura told me that it took courage to follow one's beliefs. A recon droid discovered them, and after I, Rex and Bly gave chase, Secura was able to destroy it. Climbing a tree, the group discovered that the Separatists had set up a base, and were testing a new weapon and planning on using it on the Lurmen colony. That night, our group took out the Separatists' communications and stole a shuttle, but instead of leaving the planet, they went back to the Lurmen colony. Tee Watt Kaa was adamant against receiving help from us, but Skywalker managed to convince him to let them stand by their beliefs.

We set up a deflector shield, and they were able to withstand the defoliator. We were able to defeat the first wave of droids, but the second wave of droids was much larger in strength, and the droids managed to get past us and destroy the shield generators. General Lok Durd ordered the defoliator reloaded, but before it could be fired, Skywalker destroyed it and captured him. Meanwhile, Wag Too led an assault on the droids against the wishes of his father, and the Lurmen tied up the remaining droids with rope. I was able to destroy the disarmed droids. Later, as we prepared to leave, Wag Too gave us his thanks. Tee Watt Kaa did as well, but wondered what price it had come at. The Resolute and two other Ventor-class cruisers came out of hyperspace; Admiral Yularen was apparently able to find us on his own.

 The Resolute and two other  Ventor-class cruisers came out of hyperspace; Admiral Yularen was  apparently able to find us on his own

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"Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one."
"Maybe. But that doesn't mean I can't try to save his life."
-Aayla Secura and I-

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