Logbook Entry - Mission: In the cloak of darkness

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I was just on my way to my room, as Anakin leaned against my door and he looked at me. "Hello," I said, somewhat embarrassed. "Hello," he answered, while his head was tilted slightly, he smiled and his eyes shone.

"Ahsoka I'm sorry about this afternoon. I should be more considerate. You've done a lot lately through."
"It's Ok. A Jedi shouldn't be guided by his feelings themselves."
"Actually, I came to tell you ... that I have listened to you and listen to my heart."
"Yes. I have filed for divorce and made her clear that she will leave us alone. "
"I'm glad that you'll get better."
"Thank you, for being there for me always Ahsoka."
"The same, I can only give back."

We both laughed, and then he came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

-My heart was beating so fast that I thought it jumps equal out and my cheeks flushed. So I had deceived me, as far as the hug. Oh... that's really embarrassing to me now...-

He took a step back, put his hand on the neck and when he was about to say something, came Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.

"General Skywalker, I have chosen Commander Tano for a mission. Since their quite successful presence lately and she is a gifted Padawan." shared Unduli.
"Ok. Then take good care of yourself Snips."
"Thank you, Master. You also."

Mission: In the cloak of darkness

After Nute Gunray's attempt to kill Padmé Amidala, Luminara Unduli and I brought him back to Coruscant, where he should stand trial for his crimes. But Count Dooku ordered Asajj Ventress to attack the Jedi cruiser and go to free Gunray. Luminara and I fought against Ventress and her droid. But we had no idea that a betrayer, Captain Argyus, is on board, who was bribed by Dooku and should organize Nutes escape.
We could not prevent the escape.

We could not prevent the escape

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Mission: not successful

We came back the next day very late in the hangar. I think it was around 2am and most of us were asleep, but I could not sleep in the cruiser.

After 45 minutes we reached the hangar and got out. On Luminara and me were waiting Anakin Skywalker and Chancellor Palpatine.

"Welcome back" greeted by the Chancellor, adding that "we must immediately talk about your mission."
"Can't it wait until this afternoon? Me and Commander Tano need our sleep." told him Unduli.
"No. Finally it comes to the safety of all" said Palpatine.

And so we all went to the Senate building. We reached the office of the Registrar and Luminara and he entered the room.

I was about to enter the room, as was staying the Chancellor "No Commander. Then you will turn."
I sat down to Anakin and yawned.
"Are so tired Snips. Relax a bit until the two finished" said Anakin.
"No ... it has been going and if I relax, then I fall sleep maybe" I replied, yawning.

After some 51 minutes Luminara came out, said goodbye and left. Now it was my turn.

I told him all about our mission, but in the end he said "Commander Tano, I've heard that you have violated the command of Jedi Master Unduli."
"Yeah ... um ... but later it turned out that it was not wrong that we have put together Ventress."
"That may be, but it could also have been the wrong choice. Then you would have to answer for the death of a Jedi Master. Consider this always Commander."
"I'll Chancellor. Thank you." and with these words I said goodbye.

I went with Anakin to the taxi and drove off. Just a few moments as I sat, my eyes closed. Suddenly I realized how put a hand around my waist and shortly afterwards I felt like I contributed strong hands.

I just opened my eyes and Anakin said softly smiling "Go back to sleep ... I'll take you to your room."

Immediate shut my eyes again and when we reached my door, he put me off briefly, but I still clung to him. When he had opened the door, he grabbed me again and laid me gently on my bed. He sat for a while and looked at me.

-This I could feel...-

Anakin drove slowly and gently over my right cheek, then said, "Good night, Ahsoka. Sleep well." and so he left my room and I slept soundly.

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