The Birth of a Saiyan

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26- The Birth of a Saiyan

Trunks blinked his sore eyes and rubbed them gently as they stung. For the last three hours, he had been staring at the satellite screen. He watched and waited for anything to be picked up, but it remained unchanging.

It had been three months since Kain reappeared. Trunks kept waiting for him to attack, and the fact that he hadn't yet was more worrying than anything. Kain was planning something, and Trunks couldn't rest until he found out what it was. Worst yet, they had no idea what Kain would be capable of doing with his new powers.

"Hey," Goten walked into the satellite room with Alister. "See anything new?"

"No," Trunks muttered.

"I know this is wishful thinking," Alister said. "But maybe he left."

"I wish," Trunks sighed. It would save him from the daily headaches he now had.

An alarm sounded from the police scanner, and Trunks jumped up. The police only contacted them now when there were dire emergencies. Goten reached the scanner first and read through the 911 fax quickly.

"What is it?" Alister asked. "Is it Kain?"

"I don't know," Goten's voice was distant. "But someone just set off a bomb in West City Mall."

The world shattered around Trunks. His knees buckled as he screamed. He couldn't breathe.

"Trunks!" Alister was by his side to catch him from falling.

"Pan-" her name came out in a choke as tears burned his eyes. "She was going to West City Mall with Sayuri."

Adrenaline pumped through Trunks as he forced himself upright. He took off and flew as fast as he could as he went Super. He'd leave Goten and Alister to get a group together. All he could focus on was Pan and Sayuri. He had to find them.

Part of the mall was collapsed, smoke and dust poured out of it. Trunks didn't think- he just ran—the inside of the building covered in thick black smoke. Police and fireman were helping the ones that could walk and escorting them out. Trunks' eyes scanned every face he could see- and none of them were Pan or Sayuri.

"There are some people trapped under some rubble!" A fireman yelled.

Trunks rushed forward and frantically started to dig the rubble away. A few people could move and were set free, and he kept digging as he prayed to whoever was listening that he wouldn't find the bodies of his wife and daughter.

"Trunks." Goten had arrived, and he was beside him, but Trunks couldn't stop moving. He had to find them! "Trunks!" Goten grabbed his shoulders tightly. "They're safe! Pan and Sayuri are safe! I talked to Bulla- they stayed home. They're-"

Trunks didn't wait for Goten to finish. He jumped up and took off towards where he could find his girls.


Pan walked out of her and Trunks' study with a heavy sigh. She placed her hand on her swollen stomach and glanced down with a small smile. She was five months along in her pregnancy, and although the morning sickness had passed, the exhaustion had stayed for the most part. She and Sayuri had plans to go to West City Mall earlier, but Pan had been tired, so they stayed home. Sayuri hadn't minded not going to the mall. In fact, she was excited that she would get to stay home and play with Jude.


Pan jumped at the sound of panic in Trunks' voice. A thousand thoughts ran through her mind. Had something happened to him? Had it been Kain?! She took off down the hallway, running as carefully as she could.

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