The Jerk and the Little One

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Hi! Welcome to this story! Just a little bit of information first;

- Pan is Goku and Chi-Chi's daughter! Why? Because this an AU and I can.

-Again, let me remind you this is an AU!

-This is a Trunks x Pan fanfic!! If you don't like the couple I advice you to find another story! This story also contains Gohan x Marron and Goten x Bulla!

-Lastly, I own NOTHING in regards to Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, or Dragon Ball GT.


1- The Jerk and the Little One

Eighteen-year-old Pan looked at her tiny apartment proudly. It was her first place to own, and although it was small and a little run down, Pan thought it added to its charm. Plus, the rent was cheap, and Pan was positive that the inheritance money she had gotten from her grandpa Ox King would be enough to last her until she finished the academy.

Pan's phone started to ring, and she glanced at the caller ID before she smiled and answered. "Hi, Mama."

"Panny," came a sigh from Chi-Chi. "How is everything over there? Was the first night, okay?"

Out of everyone, Chi-Chi had taken it the hardest when Pan announced that she would be moving from the wooded area of the East District to the bustling city of West City. Her Mama's shock grew when Pan continued that she was moving because she had been accepted into West City's Police Academy. It wasn't that Chi-Chi didn't believe in Pan. She was just worried about her being in harm's way.

Pan was confident that she would soar in the academy, though. She wanted to be a detective and take down the bad guys. Plus, with her Saiyan blood, no one would be able to get her.

"The first night was good," Pan assured Chi-Chi. "I slept like a baby."

Chi-Chi let out another breath. "You know Gohan and Marron still have a spare bedroom if you want it."

Pan fought back a sigh. Gohan and Marron lived in West City as well, and they had offered Pan their spare bedroom. Pan had politely turned down the offer. She wanted to make it on her own. Plus, Gohan and Marron had just gotten married six months ago. She didn't want to intrude on them while they were still just recently married.

"It's okay, Mama," Pan told Chi-Chi. "I like my small apartment."

"Well, okay," Chi-Chi said, although she sounded unsure. "Some more of your stuff should be arriving for you soon. Also, make sure you don't make any plans for this weekend."

Pan doubted she would have had plans anyway. "Why?" She asked curiously.

"Bulma called me the other night, and we got to talking about everything. She invited us over to Brief Manor for supper."

"Bulma Brief?" Pan asked as she raised an eyebrow.

She knew her Papa had been childhood friends with Bulma. They had hunted for Dragon Balls together. Vaguely, Pan could remember meeting Bulma a few times when she was younger. She remembered Bulma had two children, and Pan could faintly remember playing with Bulla, who was just a few months younger than her. Bulma's other child, Trunks, Pan, had little to no memories of since he and Goten had always played together.

Unlike Bulma, her children were out of the spotlight and were super private about themselves. It was rare for any news articles to be about them, and if they were, it wasn't anything significant.

"Huh," Pan mused. "I guess that'll be nice." It would be exciting to see Bulla again.

"Yes, I think so, too," Chi-Chi gushed. She went on for several more minutes about the upcoming dinner before Pan had to go. She was supposed to go to West City University to meet up with the guidance counselor about her schedule.

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