What's in a Name

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4- What's in a Name

If someone were to have told Pan that Trunks would be her savior, she would have laughed, and called them crazy.

Geo hadn't shown up. He had texted Pan the restaurant and address, and she arrived on time. The first few minutes didn't worry Pan. Then thirty minutes came and went with no text or call from Geo. She thought something must have happened, and she tried to contact him with no luck. Still, Pan waited, thinking that maybe he had gotten held up with something.

An hour and a half passed without a word from Geo. It wasn't until Pan checked his social media and saw that he had gone to the movies with some friends that she realized what happened. She had been stood up. She wanted to know why. Why would Geo ask her out if he never planned on showing up? Did he purposely try to humiliate her?

Pan knew she needed to leave, but she was rooted to the chair. She was already embarrassed since she had waited for almost two hours. If she had gotten up in front of all those people who had been giving her pitiful looks, she probably would have broke down.

When Trunks sat down in front of her, Pan thought her life was over. He was there to make things worse; she just knew it. Then he smiled, which was a rare sight, and he pretended to be her date that was running late.

Pan was so relieved that she almost cried. She managed to pull herself together for a weak, "I'm glad you made it."

When Trunks had called her pretty, she hadn't taken it to heart. He was simply playing his part well, but he surprised her as he continued.

"I'm being honest," Trunks' voice was serious. "I told you, didn't I? I don't torment pretty girls."

Yeah, Pan remembered that, alright.

"That's because you're way more than just pretty in my eyes, Little One," Trunks said quickly. "I want you to know that."

To say Pan was surprised was an understatement. Part of her mind wondered briefly if she should trust Trunks, but it was soon pushed aside. She did trust him, and it was hard not to. His cheeks were pink, and he looked shy. Pan never thought she would see a look like that on Trunks, and she had to admit- it was adorable.

Pan couldn't help her giggles. The air felt different between them, and her chest was growing warm.

"What?" Trunks' eyes widened. "I'm being truthful here!" He told her seriously. "I know we bicker, but I would never intentionally hurt your feelings and make you cry. And I'm sorry if I've done that. That day in the cafe, I thought you would retort something back like you usually do, and I would be able to tell you what I meant. It was a bad attempt at trying to flirt," he gave her a guilty look. "I'm sorry."

"I believe you," Pan told him softly.

"You do?" Trunks seemed surprised.

"Mhm," Pan found herself smiling at him. She didn't understand why he had been trying to flirt with her, but she was grateful for his honest words. "I'm so glad you showed up."

She never thought she would think it, but Trunks beat Geo by a landslide.

"Me too," he smiled.

A waitress brought them some menus, and Pan ignored the look of relief she had on her face.

"Order whatever you want," Trunks said. "It's my treat for making you wait."

Pan knew he was making up for their misunderstanding. She forgave him, but she could still use it to her advantage just a little.

"Whatever I want?" She raised an eyebrow as she opened up her menu. She leaned forward and lowered her voice. "Can we get some wine then?" It had been a while since she had any, and after the day she had, she deserved it.

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