The Weekend

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2- The Weekend

Pan paced across her apartment and bit her lip in frustration. The week had gone by without any more run-ins with Trunks. All too soon, though, the weekend had crept up. As much as Pan hoped for it, Chi-Chi would not let her forget about their plans to have dinner with the Brief's. She had even ordered her to dress up in a dress!

Pan had wanted to refuse. She was an adult who lived on her own now! But the wrath of her mother was not one Pan wanted to tempt. So Pan caved and put on a white short-sleeve shirt and a black coverall dress with some white converses. It wasn't anything fancy, but at least she was wearing a dress.

After getting dressed, Pan tried her best to tame her wild hair. It wasn't as crazy as her Papa's was, but it did seem to be stubborn and stick out. Once her hair was managed as nicely as she could get it, Pan opened up her makeup bag and frowned down at it. She wasn't a makeup expert, and truthfully, she rarely put any on. 

With a sigh, Pan dabbed a bit of foundation on, just enough to cover her dark circles. She grabbed her mascara, and carefully and with great concentration, she put some on. It wasn't until after she put on some lipgloss and that she had realized she had just dolled up, and for what?! Certainly not Trunks! She let out a small shriek and grabbed a cloth to wipe her lipstick off before she stopped herself.

Maybe she could just not go? The thought made her frown. Pan was not the type of person to run away, and she wasn't about to start now. She was, however, stalling. Maybe if she waited long enough for everyone to arrive, Trunks would be gone by then. She knew it was just wishful thinking.

Pan had only met him once, and maybe they had just gotten off on the wrong foot. She had forgotten about him after all, so she guessed she couldn't blame him for teasing her. Her cheeks grew warm as she narrowed her eyes.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Panny, open up! Mom sent me to pick you up!" Goten yelled through the door.

Pan fought back a groan. She should have known that her Mama would do something like that. She walked to the door and opened it. "I was about to leave," she lied.

"She was worried that you would get lost," Goten teased as he slipped inside.

Pan went to shut the door, but something stopped her. She turned around and gasped in horror. The devil of her thoughts was smirking in her doorway.

"Oh yeah," Goten called over his shoulder. "You might not remember him, but that's Trunks. He came with me to pick you up."

"Give her some credit, Goten," Trunks' smirk widened. "I'm sure she remembers me, don't you?" He raised an eyebrow at Pan.

Pan fought with every ounce of her willpower to not slam the door in his face. She gritted her teeth instead- she would not lose her temper! She'd give him a chance, and be nice!

"Of course," Pan managed out civilly. She left Trunks by the door to turn to see where Goten was so she wouldn't have to stand there and be awkward. "Goten!" She yelled as she saw her brother rummaging through her fridge. "Get out of that!"

"You said I could have these leftovers!" He yelled back.

"We're about to go eat!"

"When has that stopped me before?!"

Pan sighed and shook her head. Goten was so much like their Papa when it came to food. He could eat all day if he had to.

Slowly, Pan snuck a glance at Trunks. He had stepped inside and was looking around at her apartment with a curious expression. She could feel herself frowning as she wondered what he was thinking. Her apartment wasn't anything fancy, it was simple and cozy, but it would last her until she could afford something better.

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