Mother and Daughter Pt 1

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27- Mother and Daughter Pt 1

The training course was set. It stretched out in a long oval behind the house on one of the many hills. It included many obstacles like inverted walls, which the contestants were not allowed to fly over. There was the low crawl in a sandy pit. A rope area, where the contestants had to walk across some rope. Another rope was above it to help them balance as they walked across. Then there was the cargo net climb, the monkey bars, the mud pit, and lastly, the 100-meter dash.

Pan stood beside the other adults off towards the side where they had a perfect view of the course. They had all been through the course themselves, but the teens were the ones who really seemed to like it.

"Mama," six-year-old Bankei leaned towards the training course. If it weren't for Pan holding onto the back of his shirt, he would have been at the starting line. "I want to do it."

"You can after the big kids, Banny," Pan told him.

Nineteen-year-olds, Hei and Hai were stretching. Hai must have been smarting something off because seventeen-year-old Isabella looked as if she were about to punch him. Jude, who was sixteen now, just shook his head slowly. Pan's eyes fell on the youngest competitor. Thirteen-year-old Sayuri, who looked focused and ready.

The girl had turned into a training machine in the last six years. It worried Pan. Sayuri was growing strong, and the moonstone could sense it. She was still young, though, and Pan wouldn't let her take on that responsibility just yet. She would protect Sayuri for as long as she could.

For the last six years, Kain had been a menace. His army of Hiltheans was gone. Instead, use used clay-like creatures to terrorize the world. Whenever they showed up, they looted and destroyed whatever was in their path. They weren't particularly hard to kill, but they had Ki-draining abilities, which made them dangerous.

"Alright!" Goku called down to the teens. "Get ready!"

The teens lined up at the starting line call of them leaned forward, ready.

"On three-" Goku said. "One- two- three!"

They took off, and it was fun to watch. All of them could get so competitive. Hei and Hai usually won it, with Isabella and Jude right behind them. There had been many victories for Jude and Isabella as well. It was Sayuri's first match, though, and Pan watched her with nervous excitement. She knew her daughter was strong and could keep up with those bigger teens!

Hei led the group, with Jude not far behind him. And it too far behind Jude was Sayuri!

"Those two are down there flirting instead of concentrating," Gohan huffed as he watched Hai and Isabella, both was in the last place. It was apparent they were yelling at each other about something.

Goten laughed, "they reminded me of Trunks and Pan."

"What?" Trunks turned towards Goten and raised an eyebrow.

"You two used to always fight like that," Goten said. "Though I guess you two don't anymore."

"That's not true," Alister snickered. "Just the other day, they were fighting about Jude and Sayuri. I guess Trunks doesn't want to be my in-law," he said with a dramatic sniff.

"Oh hush," Trunks rolled his eyes. "Say can't date until she's thirty. Plus, Pan and I didn't let our flirting get in the way of training."

"Didn't you two get banned from the Gravity Room in Brief Manor?" Bulla asked slyly.

"Mind your business, Bulla," Trunks muttered.

Pan snickered. She could still remember the horrified expression on Vegeta's face when he had walked in on her and Trunks making out in the middle of the Gravity Room floor. That had been years ago, though, before Sayuri was even born. Vegeta still wouldn't allow them to go into the Gravity Room alone together.

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