The Hiltheans

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REMINDER: This is the OTHER timeline! :)

18- The Hiltheans

Pan let out a loud sigh as she stretched her tired muscles. She and Trunks hadn't had a day off in two weeks, and finally, they would be off for the next five days. She was ready to do absolutely nothing.

Since she wouldn't be working, Pan decided to do some yoga. She started easy, doing some pigeon poses to stretch her legs and back. She was in the middle of doing the downward dog when she heard several clicks of a camera.

Pan shot up and glanced back to see Trunks standing behind the couch, his phone in his hand as he smirked. "Nice," he said. "This is a new screensaver, for sure."

"Delete it," Pan deadpanned.

"No way-" he shook his head with a grin. "Nu-uh," he added. "Not happening." Pan huffed at him loudly, and he raised an eyebrow. "What? It's not like I'm going to let anyone see it. Plus, you've sent me way worse than-"

"Tell me you delete those," Pan's eyes widened as her cheeks flushed.

Trunks' blue eyes were shining mischievously. "I have a special folder on my phone just for them."

"Jeez," Pan fought back a snort as she shook her head. Somehow, she wasn't surprised.

Pan went back to her yoga as Trunks walked around the couch and plopped down on it. He was smirking at his phone, and Pan didn't even want to know what he was looking at.

"Hey, Little One, if something were to happen to me and one of my arms got cut off, would you still love me?" He asked suddenly.

Pan, who was currently doing the tree pose, almost lost her balance. "What kind of question is that?" She asked him. "Of course, I would."

Trunks nodded with a grin. "So if I lose an arm, instead of getting a boring prosthetic, can I have my mom make me one where a sword comes out of it?"

Pan stared at him for several seconds. She wanted to ask him if he was serious, but she knew him well enough to know he was. "If you do that, I'm breaking up with you," she muttered.

Trunks' lips pooched slightly. "I'll make sure nothing like that happens until after we're married. And I'll make you sign a prenup stating that you can not ever divorce me."

Pan broke her pose then as she laughed. Trunks sat up on the couch enough to grab her wrist and pull her down to him. She let out a happy sigh as she rested against him and looked at her left hand, where her newly acquired engagement ring sparkled.

It was early spring now, and they had decided to get married this winter. Both their mothers had practically fainted from excitement. She could already hear both of them chanting, 'the sooner- the better!' Pan agreed with them on that. She couldn't wait to marry her best friend.

"So, we have the next five days off. What do you want to do?" Trunks asked.

"Hm, sleep," Pan hummed.

"Sounds good," Trunks nodded. "And?"

"Eat a bunch of unhealthy food."

"Of course. Go on."

"A date or two would be nice," she added. They worked such busy schedules that a date night out was long overdue. Most of their dates consisted of them bringing home pizza, watching TV, and then crashing.

"That would be nice," he commented. "We haven't been to the pasta place in a while."

"I know," Pan pouted. "I miss the carbs." She turned so she could look up at him and grinned. "And we need at least one whole day in bed."

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