Not Alone

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20- Not Alone

By the time Pan, Trunks, Bulla, and Goten arrived on Clover Island, the ship was already there. It looked smaller than the Hiltheans ship, and it looked older, more worn. The dark metal was scuffed and bolted in random places.

Pan glanced at Trunks and saw his eyes raking over the ship frantically. She could only imagine what he must have been thinking about it. Even though he had no desire to take over CC in the business department, he did like the engineering and mechanical departments. He had told her once that he had been helping his mother build ships since he was five.

Vegeta arrived and landed next to them, and not a moment later, Goku, Gohan, and Marron landed as well.

"Do you know who this could be?" Goten asked Goku.

"Not a clue," he replied with a shake of his head. "What about you?" Goku asked Vegeta.

Vegeta shook his head slowly as he looked at the ship. "There's only eight Ki's on that ship. They're lowered, but they feel familiar."

"Dende said that this group is friends, right?" Gohan spoke up. "I know the Hiltheans weren't exactly friends, but what if it's another the Saiyans used to know?"

Vegeta let out a snort, "we were space pirates for Frieza. We didn't have friends."

The door to the ship opened with a loud creak. Pan watched as the old door thunked to the ground. It was a miracle that the ship could even fly. It looked as if it was about to fall apart.

Uneven footsteps sounded the metal of the ship. Within seconds, a man was gimping down the ramp. He looked old and worn, just like the ship. His hair, which was wild and unkempt, had more grey than black. Scars covered his body like tattoos. It was evident that he used to be fit, but age was starting to show. His black eyes were squinted as if he couldn't see well, and he glanced around slowly.

"Ortz?" Vegeta took a step forward. Shock was apparent on his face as his eyes widened. "Ortz?" He called again.

The man turned towards Vegeta and let out a gasp. "Prince Vegeta? Is that you?"

Vegeta stood frozen for several moments before he slowly shook his head. "I don't understand," he said. "How did you survive? To my knowledge, only Kakarot, Radtiz, Napa, and I survived. And only Kakarot and I are the only remaining full-blooded Saiyans left. On the ship, are there more Saiyans?"

Pan's eyes widened, and she could feel Trunks straighten with excitement beside her. The man was a Saiyan! The others on the ship could be Saiyans as well! Were they really not the last Saiyans left?

Ortz's gaunt face crumpled into a frown. "It is because of your father that I survived," he said softly. "Days before the attack, Freiza ordered that all raids stop immediately and for everyone to return to Vegeta-Sei. I was off on a planet with another warrior, Adis. Your father contacted us, and he told us to stay on that planet. I'm sure he knew what was coming; just weeks before Vegeta-Sei's destruction, another planet had been destroyed by Freiza.

"Adis and I waited on the planet for a week before we returned, and we were devastated to see nothing remaining of our home. We searched the rubble for days in hopes of finding survivors but found none.

"I am so glad your father managed to get you to safety," Ortz said.

"The others on your ship," Vegeta began.

"Yes, let me introduce them," Ortz said. He turned around, "come out. It's okay."

Quick footsteps thudded against the metal before two young boys ran out. They looked no older than three, and it was obvious they were twins, with matching wild hair. A young couple followed them. The man was broad and tall. His dark hair was cut short as it stood with little spikes. The woman beside him was nearly as tall as he was. Her dark hair was cut and framed around her sharp-featured face.

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