Mother and Daughter Pt 2

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30- Mother and Daughter Pt 2

Sayuri shook with sobs as she held onto the woman in front of her. She could feel her Mama's gentle hands on her back, soothing her. Sayuri hadn't seen her in months, and it felt like a dream she was even there.

"Pan?" Trunks' voice was laced with confusion and awe.

Sayuri leaned back, and through the blur of her tears, she could see her Mama grinning.

"Hey," she told him. "Don't worry; you're Pan is okay. I'm just using her body for a moment," she said before turning back to Sayuri.

Sayuri's lips trembled. She blinked her eyes and could feel the hot tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mama-" her voice cracked. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault- all of it. You were right; I wasn't ready-"

"No," her Mama cut her off. She reached up and wiped away Sayuri's tears. "I was the one that was wrong. Sayuri-" she cupped her face and smiled at her. "My baby, the one who made me into a Mama. I love you more than words can express. These last few years, I thought I was protecting you until I thought you were ready, but that was wrong of me. You're ready, Sayuri. You've been ready. That night, the moonstone was calling to you because it belongs to you. It's yours, Sayuri. It's always been yours. I absorbed it that night because I was scared and didn't think you were ready. But the moonstone knew you were- even if I didn't want to admit it."

Sayuri blinked as she let the information sink in. The moonstone was hers? It was glowing that night for her? She shook her head. "But you used it the night the Hiltheans first attacked! You-"

"It saved me that night because it needed me to live so that I could give birth to you." Her Mama let go of her and held out her hands.

Sayuri watched with wide eyes as the moonstone started to appear in her Mama's palms. She smiled and held out her hands as the moonstone began to glow. Sayuri could feel it- the pull the moonstone was sending to her.

With a shaky breath, Sayuri slowly held out her hands. Gently, the moonstone was placed into her palms. A warmth embraced Sayuri immediately as the moonstone admitted a blinding light, causing her to squeeze her eyes tightly. Tingles ran down her body, and Sayuri could feel the power.

A roar startled Sayuri, and she opened her eyes with a horrified gasp. A shadow-like monster loomed in the sky. Evil red eyes were glaring down at her with sharp white teeth. It was Kain.

"Sayuri," her Mama turned to look at her. "It's time. Follow your heart and let the moonstone guide you."

"Wait-" Sayuri's voice wavered. She could sense what was happening. Her Mama was leaving her! "Don't go!"

"I have to," she said, her voice gentle and calm. "I am no longer connected to the moonstone. I have to go back."

Sayuri shook. "I can't do this without you!" She cried. "I still need you, Mama!"

Her Mama was hugging her tightly, just as she always did. "Sayuri, I will always be with you," she promised into her ear. "Just look in front of you."

The woman stepped back, and her Mama was gone- back to the future where she belonged. Pan was now standing in her place. Her eyes widened as she looked at Sayuri.

"Your hair!" She gasped. "It's silver!" She grabbed Sayuri's shoulders. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?!"

Sayuri smiled through her tears. "Panny!" She hugged her tightly.

"Hey," Pan said, sounding surprised. "It's okay," she hugged Sayuri back.

"YOU TWO ARE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!" a voice boomed overhead.

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