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8- Promises

"Are you going to stop staring at me anytime soon?" Trunks teased. Pan could see his lips twitching in amusement as he tried his best to pretend to concentrate on the menu he was holding.

Pan didn't bother averting her eyes as she stared at him from across the table they were sitting at. She grinned at him as her eyes roamed down him slowly.

"This is my first time seeing you in a tux," she sighed. "I'm allowed to swoon."

Trunks sat the menu down and smirked at her. His eyes roamed over her, and Pan could feel her temperature rising. Bulla had helped her pick out a tight-fitting, off the shoulder, black dress with a low dip in the front.

She and Trunks were on a date at a very fancy restaurant in North City. Usually, they didn't go out to such fancy places, but tonight was different. Mostly because they weren't only a date, but working as well.

A few tables over was a short and hefty man. He didn't seem like anything special except for someone who liked to flaunt his money due to the excessive golden chains he had around his neck and the gaudy rings on his chubby fingers. It was just a shame that the money he liked to flaunt was through shady deals with gangs, and two of the gangs he dealt with were not on good terms.

Thanks to Kia and Key, they had figured out that the two gangs would be meeting in the restaurant. Things would most likely get messy, which was why Pan and Trunks were there. When things started to turn south, it was their job to step in and take down the gang members and make sure the man profiting from them all got taken into custody.

Trunks leaned forward against the small table, and his smirk grew mischievous. "I have to say, you look tastier than anything on this menu," he whispered.

Pan felt a shiver run down her spine as she sat up straighter. There was an eagerness behind Trunks' blue eyes, one that was telling her that she would find out exactly what he meant later tonight. A thrill of excitement ran through Pan. She could feel her face growing warmer, and her heart pounded in her ears.

Since they were both out of town on this mission, they had rented a hotel to stay in for the night. They had spent the night together a few times, though nothing more than making out had occurred. With the look Trunks was giving her, though, Pan knew to expect more from him tonight, and she was so ready for it.

There was a sigh through the small communicator placed in Pan's left ear, and she knew Trunks heard it too through his communicator.

"Can you two stop flirting for one minute?" Jira sighed again. "You guys do this every mission, and it's disgusting to listen to."

"I think someone's just jealous," Kia piped in with a laugh. "I think it's cute! It makes me want to talk like that with Kashu."

Pan bit back her snort. Kia had a huge crush on Kashu, and she was eager to express it much to the man's aspiration.

"I'll pass," Kashu muttered, and Pan could only imagine the blush that was crossing his cheeks.

"We'll behave," Pan promised softly.

"Until we're alone," Trunks winked at Pan.

She wanted to retort something back to him, but movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. The gangs had just arrived, and she shared a smirk with Trunks. It was showtime.


Pan was fuming. After working with Trunks for months, she knew just how rash the man could be, but sometimes he went too far. Her heart wouldn't be able to take much more of it.

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