Um... can I help you, Yaoyorozu?

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For the first time ever, Momo Yaoyorozu was looking at Minoru Mineta with fear in her eyes.

"Mineta, stop," Momo's voice was shaky while she held out her hand in front her to keep the grape boy at a distance. "Stay away from me."

"Come on Yaoyorothu," Mineta drooled. "I have to keep my grades up."

Usually Momo wouldn't be scared because she was always surrounded by the other girls in the class and they would be able to fight him off.

But as she was heading to Mina's dorm, alone, Mineta had ambushed her and creepily invited her to his dorm to "have a study date".

"Come on, justh for little while," the short grape boy inched closer to Momo. He had her trapped between him and the fridge. He popped one of his purple balls off of his head and threw it at her hand to try and trap her but she reacted quickly and ran.

Not the most graceful approach and, sure, she could've created a rod and wacked the little pervert with it but she decided to just run. She weaved her way through the hallways, trying to escape the the fast little footsteps behind her. She knew her thundering footsteps would attract a lot of attention but that was the least of her worries. She heard him popping more balls off his head and throwing them at her but his short little arms couldn't throw that far.

She reached the door of Mina's bedroom and quickly threw herself inside, locking the door behind her. She pressed her ear on the door and tried to listen for Mineta's footsteps. 

"Um... can I help you, Yaoyorozu?" A deep voice came from behind her. 

Startled, she turned around to see that she was NOT is Mina's bedroom. The bedroom she was in belonged to Shouto Todoroki who was half naked with a towel around his waist. He was dripping wet since he had just taken a shower and water from his half red and half white hair was slowly dripping down his head and torso.

Momo realized that she had been staring for way too long and quickly covered her eyes and turned to face the door. "I'm so sorry! I was running from Mineta and I thought this was Mina's dorm!" She blindly groped for the doorknob. "I'll be leaving now!" A large blush spread across her face rapidly and she tried covering it more so that he wouldn't see.

"If it's Mineta then there's a big chance that he's still out there." Todoroki raised an eyebrow at Momo since she was still blindly trying to find the door handle. "Also, I'm decent now so you don't have to freak out."

Momo slowly peeked behind her fingers to see that Todoroki was indeed wearing pants and trying to dry his hair with the towel. She breathed a sigh of relief but was still quite uncomfortable due to the fact that he still didn't have a shirt on and was quite hard not to stare at his muscles.

Momo, you're in his bedroom, he shouldn't go out of his way to make you feel comfortable when you're the one who barged in on the first place.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and she was suddenly filled with dread. Mineta. She had forgotten what had gotten her in this situation it the first place.

"I'll get it," Todoroki appeared behind her and reached for the doorknob. She jumped, not expecting him to be right behind her, but she backed up. He opened the door and, surprise surprise, the little pervert of the class was standing there with a hungry look on his face.

"Hey Shotho-"

"Don't call me that," Todoroki looked at Mineta with a deadpan expression. "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you have seen Yaoyorothu anywhere. I was going to athk her to do a little 'study session' with me. If ya know what I mean." Mineta winked at Todoroki.

And with no change in expression, Todoroki slammed the door in his face. Both Momo and Todoroki placed their ears on the door just to hear Mineta mumble, "what an athhole."

Momo breathed a sigh of relief and slowly slid down the door until she was sitting with her knees pulled to her chest. Todoroki just blinked at her and went to his wardrobe to pull out a shirt for him to wear. He realized that it would probably be awkward for Momo if just stayed without a shirt on.

When he was done, he sat on the edge of his bed and shuffled his feet. Momo played with her hair and suddenly found the floor very interesting. Should I go? Momo shook her head at the thought. Of course I should go! He probably doesn't want me in here and it's probably against the rules for someone of the opposite sex to be in the same dorm and...

Momo let her thoughts overtake her to the point where she furrowed her brow  and was chewing her thumbnail. Todoroki looked at her with a blank expression then focused his attention on the patterns of the cherry blossoms on his wall. I wonder what she's thinking about.

Momo suddenly got up and went to turn the door handle. Before she touched it, she thought of all the possibilities of what could happen if Mineta was still out there.

"Are you really scared of Mineta?" She turned to see Todoroki staring at her with his same deadpan face.

Momo felt a mix of embarrassment and annoyance toward Todoroki. Okay, yes, this is Minoru Mineta we're talking about here but who is he to judge her? She sighed and turned to look at the half and half boy. "I'm not scared of Mineta, Todoroki," she didn't mean to, but she let some of her annoyance slip through her voice. "I just want to get out of this situation without being groped or something far worse." She tried her hardest not to look annoyed by Todoroki's unchanging apathetic expression. "Now, if you'll excuse me." She put her hand on the doorknob and was about to pull the door ope when Todoroki's calloused hand clamped on her wrist.

"I should probably do that," were the only words that left his mouth as he gently pulled her hand off of the doorknob. He slowly opened the door and was immediately met with one of Mineta's balls hitting his face and sticking there. 

Todoroki just took a deep breath and used his right side to freeze it off of his face. The frozen ball fell to the floor and rolled to Mineta's feet.

"Thorry dude," Mineta picked up the ball and held it in front of Todoroki's face. " Couldya thaw this for me?"

For the second time, Todoroki slammed his door in Mineta's face.

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