The Festival

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Did Momo's get kind of annoyed that Shouto had volunteered just as the rumors had been dying down?


But did her heart flutter when it happened?


Momo quickly got changed into a navy blue short sleeved turtleneck with a white pleated skirt. She looked in the mirror and frowned. Am I dressed too fancy? It's just shopping..

Then Momo did what she always did, overthink. 

He's probably not going to change. How dumb would I be to be dressed like this while he wears sweatpants? What if he-

A knock on the door interrupted her overbearing thoughts. 

It's probably Mina asking me what's going on between me and Shouto. How many times do I have to tell he-

Momo's body physically stopped when she swung the door open to find Shouto standing there, looking- wow.

He wore a navy blue collared shirt with the first two buttons undone. Momo's jaw was basically on the floor.

"Yaoyorozu?" Shouto looked at her, concerned. She closed her mouth and looked away, a blushing mess. I can't believe I just openly checked him out! 

Shouto looked at her, now blushing, face and raised his eyebrows. He then looked her outfit and hair. She looked beautiful. He felt heat creeping on his cheeks and quickly averted his eyes to her doorframe.

"So we should probably go now," He said, not making eye contact.

"Ok, let me get my bag," Momo went into her closet and grabbed her pink purse which she threw over her torso and joined Shouto in the hallway.

"Let's go."


The matching pair walked out of the grocery store about an hour later with most of the food and supplies that Iida put on a list. I say "most" because they left with many more snacks and very little protein bars.

Momo had somehow convinced Shouto to go to the festival with her so they quickly dropped the stuff back at the dorms and headed there.

It was gorgeous. There were lanterns strung above them that were beautiful and the stalls with all the vendors were lit up with and gave the whole festival a nice orange glow.

"Wow," Momo's breath was taken away as she stood next to Shouto who was staying silent but she knew  he felt it too.


Shouto had insisted on carrying her bags for her even though there was a ton of them. It came to the point where he basically wasn't visible due to the amount of stuff he was holding so Momo called him silly and lightened his load. He also insisted on paying but Momo quickly shut him down every time he offered. 

There was nothing else that caught Momo's eye so the pair just walked around, enjoying the beauty that was this festival. The sun was starting to set and the pink and orange  of the sky mixed with the color of the lanterns made everything so calming and both Shouto and Momo felt a mutual feeling of relaxation.

"I'll get us some Kakigori," (shave ice) Shouto said, spotting the stand nearby. "What flavour do you like?"

"Strawberry please." 


"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine."

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