Jealous pt. 2

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Shouto looked back confused at why Momo had stopped in her tracks with her eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Are you feeling alright?" He took a step towards her but she put her hand out signaling for him to stop.

"Y-you said my name," Momo finally was able to close her mouth and start talking again. "And you smiled."

Shouto's eyes widened in realization and understood why Momo had been so taken-aback.


"I guess that means that I win the bet!" His eyes furrowed and he looked at the raven-haired girl who now bore a cheeky smile. He shook his head and carried on walking, not waiting for Momo to catch up. He purposefully sped up so she would have to run to him. 

When she did, he cheeks were red with exhaustion and was out of breath. Shouto admired her face and had the urge to wipe the stray strands of hair out of her face. Why would I even think about doing that? Momo interrupted his admiration and inner scolding by swatting Shouto in the arm exclaiming, "you suck!". He let out a little laugh and Momo tried her hardest not beam like Cheshire Cat at the sound of it.

 She linked her arm with his as they walked so that she could warm up, unaware that this small gesture was setting fireworks off in Shouto's heart. "So..."

"So?" He looked down at Momo with one eyebrow raised.

"Tell me something that I don't know about you."

Shouto nodded his head and bit his lip to think. Well, there's the obvious one, which is a no. I could tell her my favorite food? No, way to generic...

"I'm getting bored over here!" Momo fake snored on his shoulder.

"Ok fine," Shouto shrugged her "awake". "My favorite food is cold soba."

She scrunched her nose and pouted. "I already knew that, Shouto."

"What? How?"

"You eat it, like, all the time!" Momo punched his chest with her free hand, "You have to give me another one."

"Ok fine," He let out a deep sigh. "My father forcefully married my mother in order to have both fire and ice manipulation inside of me." Shouto turned away so he wouldn't have to see the face, that face of pity.

"Wow, Shouto I'm-"

"Hey, uh, Yaoyorozu!" A voice came from behind the pair so they both turned around, quickly unlocking their arms. The voice belonged to Yosetsu Awase who was jogging up to them. When he finally reached them, he gave Momo a smirk and gave Shouto a weird look.

"Do you need something?" Momo gave him a small smile.

"Yeah, I was just here to ask for your number."

Oh great, not this again. But just as Shouto was going to pipe up and tell him to go away, Momo spoke up.

"Yeah, sure!"


Shouto watched in astonishment as the two exchanged phone numbers.

"So, do you wanna get some pizza or something?" Awase was clearly flexing in his shirt but Momo seemed too star struck to notice how blatantly obvious he was being.


"Actually, we were just heading to the store so you're gonna have to make a rain check," Shouto grabbed Momo's arm which was a clear sign of I'm definitely winning this silent argument.

"Oh.. ok, bye." Awase picked up Momo's hand and gave it a soft peck which made her face light up like a lightbulb. He smirked at her reaction and jogged off.

Once he was out of hearing range, she opened her mouth to yell at Shouto but he was already starting to walk back to Heights Alliance.


Shouto hadn't spoken one word until they had reached Momo's dorm.

"Bye." He tried to quickly walk away but she grabbed his arm, making him stop.

"What was that?"

"What was what"

"Awase was being romantic and you just shooed him away!" Shouto's jaw clenched at the word "romantic". How could she not see that he was being a douche. She might think that his intentions were pure but I know that spiky-haired bastard's game.

"I just didn't like him, okay?"

"Well I do!"

His fists clenched. "Bye, Momo." He walked away without letting her get out another word.

Momo watched him walk away. He seems tense. Then she pouted. Not liking Awase is not an excuse for being so rude to him! Then she was confused. Why would Shouto care that much about a boy that like?

Was he jealous?

She shook this silly thought from her head. Why would he be jealous, we're just friends.

Without another thought, Momo opened her door and went into her dorm.


A/N- Thank you all for 7k reads, this really means so much to me! I hope you like this part as much as you've liked the other ones.

Thank you for reading!♡

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