Truth or Dare

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"So... Todoroki," Denki suspiciously spoke up. "Who would you say is your favorite girl in this class?"

The guys erupted in laughter.

How is this funny?

Shouto tried his hardest not to look over at Momo just in case anybody saw. He sighed, he would much rather be alone in his room right now. 

I'm just going to leave.

Just as he was about to get up, the girls started walking over to their side of the room.

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?"

For the first time that night, Momo and Shouto made eye contact.

Oh no.


"Hagakure, truth or dare?" Ojirou bravely spoke first. 

The classmates had moved the couches and sat in a circle, like 13-year-olds. Shouto sat across from Momo but he kept his head down, his eyes only on his hands.

Why am I here?

The night slowly passed on with cheesy middle school questions that were boring Shouto out of his mind. He didn't want to just get up and leave but he definitely didn't want to stay.

It was Denki's turn so he sat with his head in his hands, thinking. Finally, a wicked look came over him and he cracked his knuckles dramatically. 

"Soo, Todoroki.." He said. Shouto slowly picked his head up, surprised at getting his first question. "Truth or dare?"


"If..." Denki drew his words out. "You were to date any girl in this class, who would it be?"

Mina and Momo's eyes bugged out of their heads as this was the juiciest question that had been asked all night. The boys chuckled and gave Denki a high five as the girls furtively looked between Momo and Shouto.

Shouto kept his gaze on Denki and only Denki to prevent giving away the answer. His answer was Momo, of course, but he couldn't say that.

The class anxiously waited for his answer and Momo felt herself lean forward in anticipation of his answer.

"I have to answer?" Shouto asked.

"Yup," Denki replied.

"None." Was his answer. There was a stunned silence in the room. Some jaws were dropped and for the second time that night, Shouto made eye contact with Momo.


Momo was hurt, obviously. The boy she had apparently been crushing on since the beginning didn't like her back. She predicted this, it wasn't a surprise.

But it didn't hurt any less. 

She held back tears as he stared at her and didn't dare let them fall.

"D-denki, truth or dare?" Mina quickly said. Momo looked at her thankfully and was met by a "you're welcome" face. 

Momo wanted to go to the bathroom but doing that after Shouto had said he wouldn't date any girl in this class would look suspicious. It would look as if what he said had hurt her.

Well, it did, but people didn't need to know that.

"Dare, I guess."

"For the love of God, just ask Kyoka out already!"

Denki and Kyoka's faces lit up like a Christmas tree and everyone started laughing. Ojirou and Hagakure were just as bad so kept quiet.

Denki cleared his throat and the laughter slowly died down. "So Jirou..."

"Yeah.. sure." She interrupted him and slammed her burning face into her hands. Everyone started laughing again and Momo took the time to get up and quickly walk to her dorm room. She took a deep breath as she opened the sliding glass door to her balcony. She hadn't been out there for months.

It was there where she shed a single tear.

"God why do I have to like him so much?" she murmured as she covered her face with her hands and muffled the sob that came out of her. She used her pajama shirt to wipe her face and just stood there and watched the sky.

"Momo?" She spun around to find Shouto standing there. The boy she liked was also the boy she couldn't have in a million years. He took a step closer to her on the balcony.

She gulped and said, "Hey Shouto." She turned back around to face the view.

"What's wrong?"


There was a long silence before either of them spoke. There was an elephant in the room and one of them had to address it. 

"Did you leave because of me?" He asked. Her back was facing him and she didn't answer. "Did you want me to say that I would date you?"

"No of course not, we're just friends," Momo said quietly. This was like a shot in the heart to Shouto. "You should go back, Shouto."


"Go back, Shouto!" Momo raised her voice and spun around to face him. His eyes widened, he had never seen her do that, not even in her fight with Awase. "I don't need you taking care of me!"

Shouto kept his mouth closed and slowly walked back inside and out of her dorm. 

He didn't go back to the party, he went back to his dorm. As he was walking back, he remembered her saying something when he walked in without her noticing.

God why do I have to like him so much?

Shouto stopped in his tracks realizing what it meant.

She still has feelings for Awase.


A/N~ I would've updated yesterday but it was my birthday!

Yes I know this chapter is cliche, leave me alone. 

Thank you for 22.8k reads and almost 600 votes! You guys are the best! I love how you are all so excited when I update and leave these amazing and hilarious comments.

Next chapter late this week or early next week!

Thank you for reading!

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