Can I help you?

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When Shouto heard a knock on his door, he did not expect Mina to be standing there with an annoyed look on her face. He raised his eyebrows.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, you can," she said a matter-of-factly and pushed past him, letting herself into his room. Shouto rolled his eyes and closed the door behind her.

"And what can I help you with?" He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her. 

"Wow you even act like her," Mina smirked while looking at his stance. "She does that annoyed little squinty eye all the time."

 Shouto's eyes slightly widened in realization.

"Anyways, I bet you're wondering why I'm here."

"Yes! I am!" Shouto uncrossed his arms. "I've actually asked multiple tim-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Mina waved her hand dismissively at him. Her face suddenly became serious which kind of freaked Shouto out. "Look, I know you like Momo..."

Shouto's eyes widened for real at what she just said. "H-how did you know?"

Mina bit her lip to fight back her excitement. "Well, I didn't know for sure before, but now I do."

He froze. "What?" He rubbed his hands over his face, realizing what she did.

"I mean, you are pretty obvious, you're always staring." Mina shrugged. "I just needed some confirmation." Mina had tried not to expose the fact that Momo had liked him back but it was difficult. 

Shouto sighed. "Am I that obvious?"

"I mean, I don't blame you, Momo's a babe but, yes, you are very obvious when you stare."

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He sat on his bed and put his head in his hands. Mina wasn't Momo, she hadn't seen this side of Shouto Todoroki so she had no idea how to approach him.

She slowly made her way over and sat next to him. He looked at her, confused.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at her, he looked hesitant to talk to her but he did anyway. "It's just that I like her a lot and it's not like she's going to like me back." Mina gritted her teeth and held back the urge to scream the obvious into his face.

She internally rolled her eyes. This is what happens when two clueless people have crushes on each other. 

"W-well, you never know," Mina said, not giving too much away with her tone. "Anything could happen. Let's say you ask her out, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

"I lose the best friend that I've ever had."

An awkward silence spread throughout the room.

"Or..." Mina tried to lighten his mood. "You could be dating a pretty cool girl that you really like!" Her excitement was met with Shouto's deadpanned expression.

"Welp, I tried," She jumped off the bed and went out the door. 

Unfortunately, that was the exact moment that Momo was walking by.

Mina audibly gasped as Momo saw her.

"Mina? What were you doing in there?" Momo gave her a confused look 

Mina couldn't speak, she couldn't move.


"I was just talking to him... about things..."

"What things in particular?" Momo crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes which almost made Mina burst out laughing.

"You... things?" She cringed, prepared for the wrath of her friend.

There was silence for a moment.

"Mina..." Momo said slowly, waiting for her friend to look at her.

When she finally did, Momo continued.

"You have three seconds to run."


A/N~ First off when I saw that I was #2 on the Todomomo page, I almost screamed.'

Okay, maybe I did a little bit.

You guys are so cool and this whole journey is crazy!

Second of all, thank you for 27.5k views and almost 800 votes, you guys are truly the best.

Be honest with me, how do you like the Mina and Shouto friendship that is blossoming? Is it necessary? Should I make the story more fast pace? Should I slow it down? Let me know any input or feedback that you guys have.

And as always, thank you for reading!

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