Gomo Haoyorozu

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Since the dorms had been around, Shouto has kept getting invited to these weekly Class 1A hangouts.

This week was the first time he had accepted the invitation. There was no real reason why he accepted, he just did.

Seeing how he was sat in the corner with a cup of juice barely speaking, he was starting to regret his decision. He sat with all the guys and the girls sat in their own circle across the room as if this was 3rd-grade recess. (Mineta wasn't there, they didn't tell him about these sorts of things)

Most of the guys were just talking and laughing and once in a while, turning their attention to Shouto to see his opinion on classes or something else irrelevant. He was actually speaking less than Tokoyami.

"So, Todoroki, you don't usually come to these get-togethers, why the change of heart?" Iida spoke loudly with his announcer-like voice while dramatically pushing up his glasses.

"Just needed to get my mind off things," Shouto replied, using the least amount of words possible.

Kirishima cleared his throat and spoke into his cup, "certain.. black-haired things?"

Shouto looked at him in confusion while the other boys started to catch on.

"Yea!" Sero started chuckling. "This 'thing' that you need to get your mind off of." He put his fingers in quotations. "Does it rhyme Gomo Haoyorozu?" He laughed and so did the rest of the guys. Shouto rolled his eyes.


On the other side of the room, Momo was going through an interrogation, as usual.

"So what really is happening between you and Todoroki?" She felt Hagakure's hands grip her arm. "Or as you call him, Shouto." She sang his name in a singsongy voice.

"Yea," Tsu croaked. "You guys definitely have feelings for each other!"

"We don't," Momo lied. She just shrugged. I mean I do but...

Mina gave her a knowing stare, looking straight through her lie. 

Ochako put her hand on Momo's face. "That's exactly how me and Deku acted before we started dating."

Momo's eyes widened. 

"I-i don't even know why you guys are even talking about me and Shouto when Kyoka and Denki are basically married already!" 

Kyoka's face turned bright red and she slapped her hands on her face as the topic got changed to her boy situation. 

Momo took a deep breath and looked up to see Mina giving her a look. 

A look that said: the more you deny it, the worse it will get.


A/N~ Longer chapter in a couple of days. I hope you guys like this one!

Also, 21.7k reads? That's so awesome!

Thank you for reading!

(Also please help me out and be on the lookout for any spelling or grammar mistakes that I might make!)

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