So that's what it means

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"Hey Fuyumi..." 

*Wow, you're alive*

"Very funny"

*Is there something wrong? You never call*


*What is it Sho?*

"There's this girl..."

*Oh God, I never thought this day would come*


*God, you are so clueless. What's up with this girl?*

"She was my first real friend and she started dating this guy and it gets me really mad and nauseous whenever I see them together and I don't know why. She's going to get hurt and I know it"



*How do you know she's going to get hurt?*

"Because he-.. sh.." Shouto sighs "I just don't trust him"

*Yea... Sho, you're jealous..*

"Jealous? Jealous of what?"

Fuyumi sighed and rolled her eyes even though he couldn't see her. *You know what? You're smart, you'll figure it out soon enough*


*Bye Sho*

Before he could object any more, she hung up the phone and left him alone in his room with his thoughts.


Shouto slipped on some slippers and a light jacket and headed out into the cool breeze of the night. He needed to clear his mind and figure out what his sister was talking about.

How could I be jealous? I don't want to date Awase... (A/N- I'm sorry for making him so clueless, I just could resist writing this line tehee)

As he walked on the path away for Heights Alliance, he heard some giggling coming from a little ways ahead. He looked up and low and behold, the happy couple was sitting on a bench holding hands and whispering to each other. Shouto almost threw up right then and there.

Unfortunately, Momo saw him before he could walk away and said something to Awase then made her way over to him. He looked kind of annoyed that Shouto was wasting their precious "couple time" and sent a glare his way once Momo's back was turned.

"Hey!" She bounced over to him. "Long time no see!"


"How are you?"

"Fine, you?"

Momo raised an eyebrow at his closed off attitude but didn't say anything about it. "I'm fine too. Being with Awase has made my life, like, 10 times better."

Shouto's jaw clenched. That is definitely not what I needed to hear right now.

"Yea, that's cool, I have to run so see you later,"

Not wanting to continue this conversation, he started walking away.

"Okay... bye Shouto!"

For the first time in months, he flinched at the sound of his first name. He walked faster away from her so that she didn't have enough time to react. When he was farther away he turned around just in time for Awase to smirk in his direction and pull Momo into a kiss.

Shouto's fists clenched and turned back around.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.

So that's what Fuyumi meant...


Shouto couldn't get much sleep that night. Figuring out he had a crush on Momo shook him to his core. Of course, he wasn't going to go as far as saying that he was in love with her, he just had tiny, teensy weeny, minuscule romantic feelings for his friend. That's all it was.

And him taking a random day off from school had nothing to do with it. Yes, that day happened to be right after the night he realized his feelings for his only ever friend but those two things had nothing to do with each other. This day off wasn't a big deal.

It was just a day to relax and chill out, a mental health day, if you will.

He was going to think about nothing and no one but himself. No Endeavor, no Fuyumi, no certain raven-haired girl whose name meant Peaches and smelled like vanil-


Mental health day.

That's all.


Okay, so this definitely was a day to forget about Momo.

So Shouto did the one thing he could do without thinking about anyone but himself. He trained for hours and definitely didn't burn 3 punching bags in the process.

When the school day ended, he was still training and he was in the middle of destroying another punching bag when there was a knock on his door.

It's probably Midoriya coming to check up on m-

"Did you and Yaomomo break up?"

Shouto cringed at the sound of his pink-haired classmate's loud voice.

"I mean I was really surprised that she was able to get into a relationship without me knowing and had managed to get you to say y-"

"We weren't dating."

Mina stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms while curiously studied the dual-haired boy's face. "Yaomomo said that too."

"Maybe because it's true."

"But you guys, like, went to the festival together..."

"How... do you know that?"

"Well..." Shouto internally rolled his eyes since this sounded like this was going to be a long story. "I went out with this guy, tall, handsome, swoopy hair-"

"The guy who harassed Momo," Shouto interrupted, shocked that Mina went out with this guy.

"Yea..." Mina stared down at the floor and continued. "I saw you guys talking to him and heard a little bit of the conversation and heard the word 'boyfriend' so.."

Shouto now externally rolled his eyes. "We never dated, Mina."

"So you guys never had even a little bit of feelings for each other?"

Shouto didn't hesitate. "No, we're just friends."


A/N- Sorry if this one is a little bit choppy, I had a lot of ideas and didn't want to lead you guys on with another part.

Thank you to the 20 people who are following me and rn we are at 12.3k reads so I'm literally pooping my pants.

Thank you for reading! 

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