I'm sorry

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There was not a lot of interaction between Momo and Shouto for the next couple of days. There were nods of "good morning" in homeroom but that was about it. Though he looked unaffected,  Shouto hated it.

He hated that she wouldn't make eye contact with him unless absolutely necessary. He hated how she would sprint out of class when it ended so that she wouldn't have to be alone with him. He hated how she pretended to be happy when her friends walked away but her smile would quickly fade when they walked away.

He needed to talk to her but he just didn't know how. 

Shouto debated walking up to her in class but he didn't need everyone knowing their personal business. He had to think of something. Anything.

Shouto laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling with his tie loosened and his blazer thrown on the floor. Today he had managed to get a moment alone with Momo nothing came out of his mouth so she left him there looking like a gaping fish. He inwardly cringed thinking about that moment. Such a coward.

Momo never left his mind and it didn't seem like she was going to any time soon.

Why? Why was she so important to him?

Shouto didn't know the answer to this. It's not like he had really known her for that long. There were plenty of people that he had known for even longer that he cared for way less. Why was Momo different?

He stayed there wondering this for what felt like hours. Shouto thought back to the time that Momo had first stumbled into his room after he was done showering, then it hit him. He took out his phone and it read 10:30. He frowned, of course he had to strike genius at such a late hour. That didn't stop him, though.

He put on his slippers and silently slipped out his dorm. His feet guided him to his destination and before he knew it, he was standing in front of Momo's dorm room. He knocked on the door without hesitation. 

No response.

Before he could knock again, the door swung open and a tired-looking Momo stood before him. Her hair was down and she had small little bags under her eyes. For some reason, seeing her like this made Shouto heart feel like it was squeezing in his chest. He didn't know what this feeling was but he didn't necessarily hate it.

"Can I help you... T-Todoroki?" Momo's voice was so quiet, it was as if she didn't speak at all. 

"Oh, hi... um, " Shouto was nervous. What is this, I don't get nervous. "I just wanted to apologize for um.. kicking you out of my dorm. My father," he spoke those words bitterly, "called me and put me in a bad mood so I lashed out. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." His voice was barely a whisper and he avoided eye contact.

"Oh!" Shouto looked up to see her shocked expression on her tired face. "It's okay... Todoroki." 

"Don't call me that."

Momo's eyes lit up and her reaction alone was enough to make him crack a smirk but he kept his face neutral.

"Okay, Shouto."

The words sounded natural coming out her mouth and in that moment, he didn't want anyone else saying it.


A/N- Sorry for the late update!

I probably won't have a set schedule for the chapters anymore since I have to juggle school and other things. I'll try to be as organized as possible. 

Thanks for reading! 

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