I know you have feelings for...

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"So did you want to talk about something?" Momo broke the awkward silence between them on their walk. They had been walking and not a word had been uttered between them.

"Yes, actually," Shouto awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "So the night of the truth or dare incident thing..."

Momo did not like where this was going.

"I kind of overheard you saying some things..."

She nervously and angrily looked towards him. "What things?"

He saw her worried and mad face, he immediately backpedaled on his whole plan. This is a bad idea.

"Uh, you know what?" He waved his hand dismissively at her. "It wasn't even that important anyway-"

"No, Shouto, what did you hear?" Momo looked at him with more worry. He can't just say things like that and then take it right back!

Shouto didn't say anything and tried to keep walking. Momo stepped in front of him and put her hand out to stop him.

He sighed. "Look, I know you still have feelings for Awase."

Her worried and shocked look was replaced by confusion. "What?"

He cleared his throat. "I heard you say something about liking someone on your balcony and I'm pretty sure that it's Awase and-"

"Woah, Woah, nononono, Shouto, I do not have feelings for Awase." Momo waved both of her hands in front of her. "Not at all!"

"Look Momo, it's okay if you do, I just don't unders-"

"Shouto, I promise you, I do not like Awase!"

Shouto looked into her eyes to make sure she wasn't lying. "Ok... then who were you talking about that night?"

Momo's eyes widened, realizing what she had just gotten herself into.

"Is it someone in our class or an upperclassman?" Even if it did feel like Momo had ripped out his heart and stomped on it, Shouto still wanted to know who this guy was.

Scrambling to find a lie, Momo said, "Y-you wouldn't know him! He's a family friend!"



"All he said was 'oh okay'?" Mina mimicked Shouto's deep voice.

It was the next day and Momo was relaying the details to her best friend. 

"Yes, and that shows you that he doesn't reciprocate feelings!"

Mina sat there dumbfounded at what her friend had just said. "How in the world do those two things even correlate?" 

"It's obvious that he doesn't care about me liking some 'mystery boy'," Momo put her fingers up in quotation.

"Or..." Mina rolled her eyes. "He's so smitten for you that he wants you to be happy no matter who you're with?" 

Now it was Momo's turn to roll her eyes. "Did you just say smitten? How old are you?"

"Stop trying to change the subject!"

"I'm not trying to change the subject, I just think that you have to be a certain age to say smitten-"

"I can't with you right now," Mina put her hands over her face which muffled her words. "How are you going to confess your feelings if he's now convinced that you love this mysterious 'family friend'?"

"Easy, I just don't confess my feelings," Momo replied simply.

Mina scrubbed her hands over her face.

"I'm going to have an aneurysm."


A/N~ Sorry for the short chapters but I am very sick right now so I doing my best! And thank you for #1 on Todomomo for the past 11 days, that is so cool!

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