Please tell me you're fully clothed

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Shouto sat alone in his room, throwing a tennis ball at the ceiling and catching it. He didn't really know what to feel, the girl he liked, liked someone else.

Throwing the ball too hard, it glanced off the ceiling and bounced under his desk.

"Damnit," Shouto cursed, for the ball or for Momo, he did not know. He covered his face with his hands and groaned.

Shouto's door slammed open, making him jump. In his doorway stood Mina with her hand over her eyes.

"Please tell me you're fully clothed!"

"God, what are you doing here again?" Shouto rolled his eyes at the sight in front of him.

Mina dropped her hand and glared at him. "You're acting like I want to be here?"

"Nobody asked you to be here!"

"Excuse you, I'm doing this out of the kindness in my heart!"

"Oh, well then," Shouto said sarcastically. "You are just the pinnacle of perfection, aren't you?"

Mina huffed as she let herself into his room. "Your sarcasm isn't appreciated. I'm like your shrink, you should be thanking me."

"Yes, because you've helped me sooo much-"

"Enough back talk, let's cut to the chase." She clapped her hands once. "You need to ask Momo out."

Shouto sighed. "There's no point, she likes someone else."

"That shouldn't stop you from trying!"

"...That's exactly what should stop me from trying."

Mina pressed her fingers against her temple. "Look, I just don't want you to regret not testing your luck."

Shouto knew he would be more regretful if he ruined his friendship with Momo but he didn't say anything because he didn't want Mina to go into another rant.


She sighed at his lack of emotion. "It's really annoying talking to you sometimes."

"Yes, I know."

Mina stuck her tongue out at him as she opened the door to leave.

"You're a child." Shouto rolled his eyes.

"You're a loser."

"How mature."

"How mature," Mina mocked him in a taunting voice before she left and closed the door behind her.


A/N~ Sorry for my hiatus, I was sick and I also just went back to school so I was pretty busy.

Also, wow wow wow wow. I can't believe you guys kept me at #1 on Todomo for as long as you did, it was almost a month!

What do you guys think about the Shouto and Mina friendship? I had so much fun writing it!

New chapter soon!

Thank you for reading!

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