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There was not much interaction between the pair after that night. Shouto was scared that Momo was still mad at him but Momo was scared that Shouto was mad at her for lashing out. After all, Momo wasn't really a yeller, so the fact that Shouto was the one she yelled at felt horrible for both parties.

"Oh my God, finally," Mina said after opening the door to find Momo there after she knocked. Momo let herself in."Ever since Shouto chased after you at the party, I've been wanting answers."

Momo sighed as she laid on her back on Mina's bed. "I feel like you can assume." She rolled her eyes. 

"Well, I need the details," She laid down next to Momo.

Momo ran her hands through her hair and let them fall down and cover her face. "Trust me, Mina, it's definitely not the hot gossip you want."

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad..."

"I yelled at him and told him that I didn't need him, Mina!" 

Mina rolled over to face Momo and gave Momo a somber look. "Oh no, Yaomomo."

Momo rubbed her hands over her eyes. "I didn't mean to! I was just angry and I didn't even realize what I was saying and..."

She didn't realize that she had started tearing up and Mina reached over and hugged her best friend.

"It's okay,"

"No, it's not!" Momo's voice was muffled as her head was stuffed in Mina's shoulder. They separated and Momo wiped her eyes and sniffled. "I really like him and I've just completely pushed him away." She put the heels of her hands on her eyes. "It's not like I had a chance with him any-"

"Nononono, Yaomomo seriously?" Mina grabbed her face and turned Momo's face towards her. "You are beautiful, you are smart, you are friendly, you are smart and if that little icy hot doesn't think or know all those things, then he is by far the dumbest, blindest person that I have ever laid my eyes on." 

Mina stared hard into the dark eyes of her best friend and slightly squished her cheeks. "You got that?" Momo nodded and sniffled.

There was silence after Mina finished her speech as the two friends held each other.

"So what happened with Kyoka and Denki?"

Mina smirked and said, " they went on their date yesterday, and let's just say we have another couple in Class 1-A!"


Mina quickly slammed her hand over her mouth and widened her eyes. "Oh my God! That was most definitely not the right thing to say, was it?"

Momo gave a dry laugh and patted Mina's arm to reassure her.

"It's fine, Mina, trust me."


A/N~ Thank you for 24.6k reads and over 650 votes! Also, all the comments you leave and really nice and super funny!

All of your support is greatly appreciated and I'm so glad all of you go out of your way to read my story!

Thank you for reading!

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