What is wrong with you?

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After weeks of ignoring Momo some more, Shouto started turning back to his old ways. He was never seen outside of class or his dorm. He also had to pay Mr. Aizawa for every punching bag that he destroyed.

Of course, this behavior didn't go unnoticed by Momo who immediately canceled all her plans with her lovely boyfriend and stomped over to Shouto's room. She knocked loudly and stood there tapping her foot like an impatient mom. She heard shuffling from inside the room and grumbling at the loud noise.

Shouto swung the door open and his eyes widened as he saw Momo standing there.

"What is wrong with you?" Momo invited herself in and he closed the door behind her.

"Lots of things, would you like a list?" Shouto fought the smile that was threatening to appear on his face.

Momo whipped her head around with a disappointed look. "oh, so now you have a sense of humor." Her eyes slightly widened as she now noticed that his shirt was off but she kept her composure. Why do you get nervous every time you see him shirtless Momo?

Shouto shrugged at her last comment and grabbed a blue shirt that was on his bed.

"Ok, going back to my first question," Momo continued once his attention was on her again. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Once again, be more specific," he crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall.

"Why are you back to the old Shouto?"

He flinched.

"And why do you keep doing that?"

Shouto averted his eyes and pushed off the wall.

"Is it because of Awase?"

At the mention of his name, Shouto's jaw clenched. "No, it's not."

"Well, considering the fact that that's the only question you've answered, you're probably lying."

"No, I'm not."

Curious, Momo decided to push the limits. "Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

Without thinking, Shouto took long strides toward her and pointed his finger in her face to retaliate but he tripped and took her down with him. To prevent her from hurting herself, he turned her around so that he cushioned her fall.

When they landed on the floor, Momo's eyes were closed but Shouto's eyes were wide open, well aware of what situation that they were in. 


Her eyes finally opened and grew wide as their faces were a few inches from each other.


A/N- Thank you so much for 13.6K reads. You are all amazing! I have to write an essay so the longer chapter isn't going to be for a couple of days. (Idk though, sometimes I surprise even myself)

Thank you all for reading!♡

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