Do you want to go on a walk?

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The Momo and Shouto silent treatment continued until Shouto couldn't take it anymore. Yes, it was a little late, and by a little late, he meant midnight. 

He put on a shirt and left his room and quickly walked to Momo's. Before he knocked, he decided to rethink his decision. It was late, Momo was probably, most definitely, asleep and who knows if she wanted to see him now.

Shouto winced at his next thought.

Or ever again.

Just as he was about to go back to his dorm, her door opened at a barely awake Momo whose bed head was all over the place. Her eyes widened at the dual-haired boy in front of her. 

"Um hi?" Momo said, desperately trying to flatten her hair so she didn't look like a tarantula was trying to take over her head. Shouto wished she hadn't, the messy hair looked nice on her even if she didn't think so.

"Hello, Momo," he scratched the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. 

"What are you doing here, Shouto?" She cut right to the chase. It was not like he was being a bother, she wasn't even close to falling asleep. She stayed up thinking about grades, her parents, and of course the attractive guy that stood right in front of her.

"I could be asking you the same question," He avoided answering the question and made hard eye contact with Momo who blushed and looked away. 

"I was just going to go for a walk," She admitted.

"You weren't sleeping?" Shouto asked, concerned and confused.


"Why not?"

"I just couldn't sleep."

"Why not?"

Momo gave an exasperated sigh. He sure is persistent. "I was just thinking about stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Shouto raised his eyebrow.

She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "That's not really your business, Shouto."

He raised both of his eyebrows. "Sorry."

Momo started to feel bad and looked down on the ground.

There was an awkward silence between them and they both avoided each other's eyes.

"So, can I join you on your walk?" Shouto awkwardly chuckled and looked back down at her.

She smiled. 

"Yeah sure."


The walk was silent, the pair barely looked at each other. Momo was sneaking glances at Shouto. She admired his side profile and how his hair fell in front of his face. Her last glance lasted a little too long and he caught her staring.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She mumbled in reply. She tried to hide her blushing cheeks with her hair.

Another long silence swallowed them up as they continued to walk.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you the night of the party!" Momo blurted to fill the silence.

The tension in Shouto's shoulders dissipated and it seemed like his whole body had taken a deep breath. He had been so worried for the past week that she never wanted to see him again so hearing those words lifted a ginormous weight off his shoulders.

"I'm not mad at you, I was just going through a lot that night," She continued. 

Shouto's body tensed once more at the mention of the night. He wasn't going to tell her that he had overheard her speaking to herself and that he knew she had still liked Awase but it still tore him up inside.

"It's fine, you had your reasons," He resisted asking her what was on her mind because he had accidentally overstepped earlier.

Momo's midnight eyes softened and she looked at Shouto. He may not have looked like it, but Shouto was such a sweetheart and basically a big teddy bear on the inside.

But she looked back down at her feet as she realized that he would never be her sweetheart and that he would have to be somebody else's teddy bear.

"Do you want to sit down?" Shouto's voice snapped Momo out of her thoughts. He pointed at the bench next to them and she nodded in reply.

Again silence filled the air. Shouto looked straight ahead, but his leg was on fire because it was touching Momo's. 

"Our classmates would be freaking out if they saw this right now," She broke the silence once again. "They all have been sitting on the edge of their seats watching us ever since that night."

Shouto looked at her and looked at every part of her face, studying and admiring her. Did she know he was staring at her? Yes. Did that stop him? No. 

He had barely heard what she said but she continued.

"It's not like I wanted or expected you to choose me."


"You deserve a great girl Shouto." Every word she said was like a stab to both of their hearts.

Shouto looked at her with a confused look. She doesn't think she's great?

"And whoever she is, will be really lucky." Tears welled up in Momo's eyes but she kept her composure.

He didn't know what to say. First of all, did she really not see how amazing and great she is? Second of all, look at reason one. And third of all...

"It's late, or, erm, early, I should go, " Momo quickly got up, not because she wanted to, but because her tear ducts decided to betray her. "Bye, Shouto." She managed to choke out.

Shouto watched as she walked away and became smaller and smaller.

Why would she think that I would want anyone but her?


A/n~ Thank you for almost 26k views and over 700 votes.

Sorry for posting late and the next post should be mid to late next week.

AS ALWAYS, Thank you for reading!

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