Stop calling me that

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Both of their faces were beet red and neither of them dared to break eye contact. Their lips were inches apart which made Shouto turn even more red.

Momo cleared her throat after a while and got off of him. She straightened her shirt and stared everywhere that Shouto wasn't. He did the same soon after so they were left in awkward silence.

"Well... um," Momo cleared her throat once again. "I need to go see Awase, so see you later."

Before Shouto could even respond, she walked out the door.


Momo speed walked down the hallway and entered her room and shut the door behind her. She placed her back against the door and slowly slid down until she was sitting on the floor.

Suddenly, she felt a buzzing against her leg. 

She took out her phone and saw that it was an unknown number. She sighed and answered.


*Hey, Baby!*

"Sorry, who is this?"

*It's your Mommy, Peaches*

Momo's jaw dropped and words refused to come out of her mouth. This is my mom? 


Momo had stayed quiet for a while now, unable to find any words to say. "It's you.."

*Yes it's me baby*

"You left me"

*Yes, honey bu-*

"You left dad. You left us"


"You can't just leave randomly then come back later" Momo's voice rose slightly

*Honey, I promise that I had a reaso-*

"You can't just come back!" Momo yelled, tears now streaming down her her face


"Stop calling me that!" She hung up the phone and threw it in front of her. She was now crying uncontrollably and her tears soaked her shirt.

Her phone started buzzing again but she didn't move an inch.

It continued to buzz so she slowly crawled over to it and looked at the name. Dad

"Hello" Momo sniffed.

*You need to come home, now*

She didn't answer and just hung up and sobbed.

Little did she know, Shouto was standing behind her door, hand raised, about to knock, having heard everything that was said in that conversation.


Momo unlocked the door to her house which she hadn't done in ages. She entered the kitchen and saw her father and her mother sitting next to each other at the dining table. 

Her dad was still in his suit from work and had slicked back hair with some graying on the sides. Her mother, who she clearly got all her looks from, looked disheveled with bags under her eyes. Momo barely remembered what she looked like before but it definitely wasn't like this. The mother that she remembered always had a smile on her face and had the bubbliest personality. The mother that was in front of her had a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Hello, Momo," Her dad robotically said, barely looking at her. He was looking at her mother with an emotion that Momo couldn't quite place.

Was it admiration?

No, it can't be. She left us.

"Hey baby," her mother piped up but Momo barely even heard her. She was still studying her father and his expression.

"What are you doing here?" She was still talking to her mother but her eyes were still on her father. "Why, after all this time, did you decide to come back? You left without a trace and you suddenly come back?!"

Momo's voice has started to rise ice again and her father squirmed under her unwavering gaze.

"Honey, I wanted to come back, I've always wanted to come back-"

"So why didn't you!" Momo seethed, still looking at her father, knowing that if she looked in her mother's direction, she would start yelling, screaming, or both.

When she didn't get an answer, she finally looked over to her mother who stood there, with her eyes becoming glossy. But Momo saw through it, she looked deep into her eyes and saw no remorse, no sorrow, no guilt, it was just empty.

"Momo, your mother-" Her father started to pipe up.

"No," she put her finger up to make him shut up. "You don't get to speak. You're about as bad as her. You left me long before she did so I don't want to hear it!" Momo's lip trembled and her voice was shaky.

"Momo, you need to listen," her father's voice boomed. "It doesn't matter what grudges you hold against us." Momo scoffed and crossed his arms. "But you need to get over it because you mother is back." He walked over to her mother and held her arms, the look of admiration back on his face. Momo could not believe what she was seeing. 

"And she's back for good." Her mother looked back at him with the same empty eyes hidden by a fake look of admiration.

Momo couldn't breathe. So many thoughts ran through her head.

She ran out of the house without another word and ran as far as she could without stopping.

Tears streamed down her face once again but she didn't even try to stop them. 

She closed her eyes to stop some of them but quickly collided with a hard chest.


Momo looked up and saw that the person she ran into was Shouto.

Without saying anything, she threw her arms around him. He stiffened and his arms stayed at his  sides, clearly not knowing what to do.

Momo let out a sad chuckle and looked up at the confused dual-haired boy.

"Give me a hug, Shouto."

Slowly, his arms wrapped around her, enveloping her in warmth. 

A warmth that Momo never wanted to leave.


A/N- Thank you for 14.2k reads! I don't really know when the next chapter is going to be so stay tuned. 

Thank you for reading!♡

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