You guys are not very good at whispering

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"Hey, Yaomomo," Mina shouted as Momo walked through the door of class 1-A, punctual as ever.

"Hi Mina," Momo's voice was laced with sleepiness. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night since a certain red and white haired, heterochromatic-eyed boy had kept her up most of the night. How do you make a guy like that smile? was the question that made her lie awake on her bed that was much too big for her dorm.

She plopped down in her chair and her friends joined her. Mina sat on the desk in front of Momo and grabbed her face. "Why didn't you come to my dorm last night? We really needed your help studying!" The rest of the girls nodded, except for Hagakure, or maybe she did, you could never tell.

"Well," Momo gently removed Mina's hands from her face. "That little pervert detoured me," she jabbed her thumb in the direction of Mineta who was talking to Kaminari. "And I had to hide in Todoroki's room."

Before they could react to this, Todoroki walked in as if he was summoned by his name. He looked up to see all the girls staring at him and Momo narrowing her eyes on him. Is she really taking that challenge seriously? He slowly made his way to his seat and sat down, still feeling the eyes of all the girls in the class on him. 

"So you were alone with the hottest guy in class in his dorm?!" A whisper came from next to her. Momo jumped but was put at ease when she say Hagakure's floating uniform. She should really get a bell or something.

"Yes, why?"

"Momo!" Mina looked shocked.


"You were alone with him in his dorm!" Mina shook Momo's arm aggressively.


"The hottest guy!"

"I really don't see where you're going with this." Momo got her arm out of Mina's grasp. What's the big deal? She got her books out of her backpack since class was almost starting. It's just Todoroki.

Mina sighed and hopped off of Momo's desk. "Well I mean the hottest girl and the hottest guy would be a pretty cute couple."

Momo stopped in her tracks, dropping one of the books she was holding. What did she just say?

Before Momo could say anything, Todoroki spoke up, "You guys are not very good at whispering."


Author's Note: I know this chapter isn't very long but I'm uploading a longer one soon!


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