Broken like me

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The real reason why Shouto was there was that he needed to tell Momo about his parents and his traumatic home life in exchange for him accidentally finding out about hers. Yes, he knew he didn't have to and that her deal to "get even" was not something that he even had to acknowledge but it felt unfair that he held this very private information about her and she only knew what his favorite color was. 

He wasn't sure but Momo seemed a bit... off today. She was jumpy and wouldn't look at him in the eyes. It was the same way that he acted when he figured out that he had a crush on her so maybe....

No way. Why would someone as great as Momo like someone as broken as me?

Shouto internally facepalmed at what he was thinking.

He looked over at Momo and saw that she was chewing her thumbnail and staring at her phone. Knowing that she wasn't even paying attention to her phone and was clearly deep in thought, he tried to snap her out of it by tapping her. She jumped.

What's going on with her today?

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Shouto looked down at her and wondered if telling her right now while she was in this... state was not the best idea.

"Did you want to tell me something, Shouto?" For the first time that night, Momo had looked him in the eyes. Her black orbs focused on his heterochromatic ones.

You have to respond, idiot.

"How did you know?" His eyes never left hers.

She blushed and looked away. "Well, you seemed kind of hesitant and were staring so..."

Now it was Shouto's turn to blush. Was my staring that obvious?

"I *ahem* was just going to make things even." Momo looked confused at him but her eyes widened in realization.

She shook her hands wildly in front of her and stammered how he didn't have to but he just grabbed her hands which immediately made her stop and look at him. Blushing, obviously. He quickly let go and stared at the intricate designs on her bed and felt his chheks start to burn as well.

"It seems unfair that I know so much about you and you don't know much about me..."

Momo was about to reply when her door flew open and Mina stood there, sopping wet (apparently it started raining) and panting.

"You WILL NOT believe the day I've h-"

She suddenly realized that Shouto was there and shot Momo a knowing look while saying, "Am I interrupting something here?"

Momo shot a panicked and anxious look back saying nononononononono.

"No you're not," Shouto spoke up wondering what the looks that the girls were exchanging meant. "I'll leave." He hopped off the bed and headed out the door, waving to both of the girls.

"Are you sure? Because me and Yaomomo can talk later." Mina said while standing in the middle of the doorway. Shouto raised his eyebrow at Momo as if to telepathically ask why she isn't calling her Momo but didn't say anything.

"No it's fine." He left and Mina shut the door behind him.

Momo put her hands over her face which muffled the groan that came out of her mouth, she knew the barrage of questions was about to come.

"Um... why was he in here?" Mina rushed over to sit on her bed, ignoring the fact that she was soaking Momo's sheets with water.

"He needed to tell me something," Momo sighed. "NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" She cleared up, seeing her pink-haired friend's eyes light up.

"So you didn't tell him?"

"No Mina," Momo said exsaperated. "He doesn't like me like that!"

"And how do you know that?"

"I just do!" She throws her hands up in the air. "We're better as friends!"

Which is what she said.

But what Momo actually thought was, why would someone as great as Shouto like someone as broken as me?


A/N~ Thank you to all the 19.9k people who decided to read this! 

All of your supportive comments are great to look at and I'm glad all of you guys are excited to read my story everytime I update.

New chapter next weeeeeek!

Thank you for reading!

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