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Momo barely got any sleep that night. She kept twisting and turning and couldn't help but feel guilty that she yelled at Awase like that. She needed advice.

Who in the world would be awake at this hour, Momo?

M- Hey Mina

Are you awake?

AM- ofc I am

i heard about you and Awase's fight

M- You're on the floor below me, how did you hear that?

AM- i have my ways :)

what do you want to toalk about

M- Well, Awase brought up some good points when we were arguing

AM- oml ofc your nerdy ass would do something like this after a fight

did you take notes as well?

M- Anyways, he said that i don't trust him enough to let him call me by my first name but i let Shouto do it

AM- are you feeling guilty yaomomo 

cuz you shouldn't

he was way out of line

M- but he was right tho

Why did I immediately trust Shouto but not him?

AM- maybe because you don't actually like Awase and are using him as a distraction

M- ?

Distraction from what?

AM- oh...

well this is awkward


M- what?

What's awkward?

AM- the fact that you haven't realized your feelings yet

M- ?

What feelings?

For Shouto?


But Mina didn't answer, she just left Momo on read.

If there was any chance of Momo falling asleep now, it was out the window.

She laid her head on her pillow and felt something fuzzy touch her chain. She lifted it up to see what it was and she could vaguely tell from the outline or it in her dark room that it was her fluffy bunny keychain.

Momo threw it to the floor even though that's what helped her sleep every night.

After everything that happened tonight, the last thing that her mother gave her before she left was not something she wanted anywhere near her.


The next morning, she got up, with very little sleep, and got dressed in her usual school uniform. When she looked in the mirror, there were slight bags under her eyes and her hair was disheveled from all the rolling around she did while she was trying to sleep.

She made her way to class and ignored the weird looks of her classmates who heard the screaming match between her and Awase. Her mind was racing, trying to figure out what Mina meant last night.

I'm so confused, she thinks I have feelings for Shouto? She shook her head. There's no way, she knows that we're friends. Why can't anyone understand that we are just friends? First Awase, now Mina, who else is next?

(Little did Momo know, nobody at UA thought that they were just friends)

As she got closer to class 1A, she saw people in the hallway with shocked expressions, gasping and whispering amongst each other, glancing at her nervously. She internally rolled her eyes.

Was our fight last night that shock-

In that moment, Momo's eyes laid on what everybody was staring at.

It was Awase, nothing shocking there.

But in his lap was Ibara Shiozaki and Momo watched in horror as the two played tonsil tennis right in front of her.


A/N~ Next longer chapter in a little bit! 
Thank you so much for 18k views!

I've been getting comments saying that my story isn't very realistic to the characters and how they would act in certain situations and I just want to say that being realistic isn't really something I want to do. Except for the obvious parts like names and personality traits, my story is going to be how I want it to be and what I think you guys would like it to be. Sorry if you are bothered by that, there are always other stories that you can read that are more realistic!

So that's all I have to say, thank you again for 18k and as always, thank you for reading!

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