"Your hair is quite long"

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Being back on good terms was very awkward for Momo and Shouto at first. They hadn't spoken to each other in a week so they both were a bit rusty, but in the span of a couple of hours, everything was back to normal.

Shouto had surprised the dark-haired girl by showing up to her dorm once again before she left to go to his. He said that "it wasn't fair that she had to do all the work." For some reason, her heart fluttered at this but if you asked her what it meant, she wouldn't be able to tell you.

At this point, the bet was down the toilet. When they hung out, there wasn't corny jokes and puns. They had conversations about anything, really. School, friends, whatever seemed interesting, they talked about it. They both had boundaries though.

Momo avoided any questions about her home life or awkwardly changed the subject if it ever came up. Everything about her made Shouto so curious. He had so many questions that he either wouldn't ask or she wouldn't answer. 

Obviously, Shouto didn't want anything to do with his father. So questions about him were off the table. He couldn't tell her, he wouldn't be able to stand the pitiful look that would be on her face after he told her. If there's one thing Shouto hated more than his father, it was pity.


"You're hair is quite long, Shouto," Momo observed. She was laying on the floor of her dorm room as Shouto sat down crossed-legged next to her. She had asked him to get comfortable but he claimed that he was. Though, since his hands were so tightly clasped in his lap and his back was as straight as a board, she didn't believe him.

"I don't cut it very often."

"Do you ever put up?" Momo sat up next to him.

"Put it up?" He locked eyes with her and for some reason, it sent a shiver down Momo's spine.

"Yeah, you know, a man bun," she reached out to touch his hair but he flinched before she got near him. "Oh! I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-"

"No it's okay, I just wasn't expecting it," Shouto lied, averting his gaze. Momo looked at him quizzically but didn't say anything. She reached out again and pulled his hair back to see how it would look.

"Oh my God that would look so good!" Momo said excitedly. She looked at him with mischievous eyes. She didn't have to say anything, he already knew what she was trying to ask.

"Sure," Shouto watched, amused, as she giddily bounced over to her dresser to get a scrunchie. He loved seeing her this happy, he almost smiled, again. He caught himself before he did. I don't know why I'm still doing that, the bet doesn't even matter anymore.

Momo made her way back to him and plopped down behind him. She took the bright blue scrunchie that she got (to match his eye) and tied his hair back. She clapped excitedly while making little happy noises at the finished product.

"Go look in the mirror!" Shouto did as she asked. She joined him and stood next to him proudly. "Do you like it?"

Before Shouto could answer, there was a knock at Momo's door. She quickly made her way over and poked her head out.

"Hey Yaomomo!" Mina's energetic voice came out from the hallway. 

"Hey Mina, what's up?" Momo's voice slightly wavered in nervousness but it was barely noticeable. Shouto did, though.

"Mr. Aizawa wants to see us in the common room," Shouto could see the tenseness in Momo's shoulders slightly melt away. 

"All right, I'll be right over!" She gave her pink friend a small wave as she left down the hall, probably to inform the other girls.

Momo closed the door and turned back towards Shouto who stood there with his hands shoved deeply in his pockets. 

She walked over to her bed and grabbed an oversized hoodie that hid everything so that she wouldn't have another Mineta encounter after the class meeting.

"Why were you so nervous?" Momo slightly jumped at the dual-haired boy's question.

"Well.. it's kinda dumb but, I didn't want her thinking that anything was going on.." She bit her lip nervously and looked up Shouto who just blinked at her, showing that he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Y'know..." He continued to blink at her, still not understanding.

Momo sighed in frustration, "I mean romantically!"

Shouto continued to blink and Momo was about to explain again but he cut her off, "No I understand."

Now it was her turn to blink. "Are you sure?"


"I don't think you are," she climbed onto her and hugged her pillow to her chest. "Because you and me together sounds like the craziest thing ever. Like, imagine me, Momo Yaoyorozu dating the hottest guy is cla-"

Momo quickly slapped her hand over her mouth to stop her from saying something else that was really stupid. She looked over to see Shouto not even fazed by the comment.

"I don't see that as crazy," Momo widened her eyes at what he was saying. He started walking out but turned around to say one more thing.

"I mean, you are quite pretty, Yaoyorozu."

And without another word, he turned around and left.


A/N- Sorry for the late post! I'll try to upload later this week or maybe early next week but, we'll see.

Thanks for reading!

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