I love him

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"Sooo, when are you going to tell him?" Mina was currently laying on her stomach on Momo's dorm room floor. 

Momo looked at her confused but she quickly realized and rolled her eyes and didn't answer.

"Hm, I'm gonna take that as a maybe next week.."

Momo scoffed. "You should take it as a never!"

Mina huffed and rolled over to stare at her clueless friend. "I really don't see what you're so scared about! You never know if he could like you back!" She tried to drop a hint at the end but in the back of her mind, she knew her friend would let it go over her head.

"There is a less than one percent chance that he will reciprocate the feelings, Mina!" 

"So you're admitting that you have a chance?"

Momo glared at her friend. "I hate you."

"Yes, I know."

"Not something that you should be proud of!"

"Neither is keeping your feelings from a guy who defin- probably likes you back," Mina cursed herself for almost slipping up and telling her but stayed composed.

"It's not like I'm proud of it, Mina!" Momo ran her hands through her hair, exasperated. "Of course I like him, of course, I'd like to be with him, of course, I'd like to tell him that I love him!"

There was silence following Momo's outburst. Both girls' eyes were wide with shock. Even Momo couldn't believe what she had just said.

"You love him?" Mina looked at her friend who would not meet her eyes.

"No, I-i don't know I don't know I don't know!"

"Oh, sweetheart." Mina got up and embraced her friend and softly rubbed her back.

Momo, still freaking out," I don't know why I said that. Why did I say that?"

Mina had an answer but she knew Momo wouldn't want to hear it. Because you do, were the words that were bursting to come out of her mouth.

"Why did I say that?" Momo kept saying this as if she wanted an answer but she didn't. She just couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she had said she loved Shouto. That thought had never crossed her mind before so why did it randomly come out.

"Maybe..." Mina started. She winced knowing the reaction that would come from Momo. "It's because you... do... love him."

There was no response which was not what Mina expected.

In their embrace and silence, there was a knock on the door.

Please don't be him, please don't be him.

Mina got up and opened the door slowly, those words also going through her head.

It was him.

Shouto was standing in Momo's doorway in all of his dual-haired glory. He clearly wasn't expecting MIna to answer.

"Hi." That was all he said.

"Hey." Momo tried to hide her distress but it wasn't working well.

An awkward silence filled the room and MIna quickly realized that she was the odd man out in the room so she mumbled her goodbye's to her friend and left very fast.

Momo avoided Shouto's eyes and stared at the floor. He couldn't understand why and he slowly made his way closer to her.

"Hey, Momo," Shouto said, trying to get her to look at him. Her eyes flicked up from the ground to finally look at him.

"Yea?" her voice was barely audible.

"Do you want to go on a walk?"


A/N~ Yes, I know, it's a short chapter but there is another coming one soon...

Thank you for getting this story to #1 on Todomomo! That is so crazy that it has happened multiple times and I can't even form the worst to express my gratitude for you guys. Thank you also for 800 votes and 30k views you all are truly the best.

Thank you for reading!

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