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"He's avoiding me," was the first thing that Momo said one morning when she got to the classroom. 

"What, who?" Mina was still half asleep and didn't process the words that Momo had said.

"Shouto!" Momo whispered-yelled at her friend who was currently dozing off in front of her.

"I bet you're just overthinking it," Mina yawned. "He's not avoiding you." She waved her hand dismissively.

"No, I am not!" Momo shook her friend awake angrily. She groaned and stretched and was about to put her head back down but Momo held her head to stop her. Another groan came from Mina as she finally opened her eyes and looked at her friend.

"For the past couple of days, whenever he sees me in the hallways, he goes into the nearest classroom even if he doesn't take that class." Momo starts counting on her fingers. "When he sees me outside, he visibly panics and turns the other way. And I tried once to go to his dorm but he wouldn't answer even though I could hear him in his room."

"Yea, he's avoiding you," Mina put her head down again but Momo quickly lifted it back up again. 

"Wow, Sherlock, you've really done it this time," she said sarcastically. "I'm asking why he's avoiding me."

Mina turned her full attention to Momo. "You think I have something to do with it?"

Momo furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I don't." She squinted her eyes. "But you seem to have a guilty conscience so did you have something to do with it?"


Momo sighed and walked away, not believing her friend. 


Shouto was walking quickly back from class, trying to steer clear of a certain raven-haired girl who had taken over his life.

"I know you're trying to avoid me." A voice came from behind him which made him jump.

"Uh, erm," was all that came out of his mouth as he kept walking.

"Shouto, talk to me."

He didn't talk to her.

"At least tell me what I did wrong."

He kept walking, hoping she would give up. He subconsciously knew that she wouldn't but he might as well try.

"Shouto, stop walking," Momo stopped in front of him, visibly angry. Shouto tested his luck by trying to walk around her but in an adrenaline rush, she grabbed the front of his dress shirt and made him face her.

They both widened their eyes at what she had done and she slowly let go of his shirt.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"Look, I just want to know why you're mad at me," Momo took a deep breath.

"I'm not-" Shouto started, but he stopped himself. 

"Then what is it, Shouto? Why are you avoiding me?"

Shouto looked into Momo's midnight eyes that melted him from the inside.

Screw it.

"Because I can't handle being around someone I like who likes someone else."

Momo's eyes filled with realization as Shouto kept talking.

"And it hurt to see you get hurt by Awase and now this family frie-"

Momo could barely hear the words that he was saying anymore.

Kiss him.

For, the first time, Momo listened to herself.

She grabbed Shouto's face and brought their lips together. Shocked at first, Shouto placed his hand on the back of her neck and the other one on her waist bringing them impossibly closer together. Momo moved one of her hands to his hair.

This moment had finally happened. The moment where would stop being idiots and finally realized that they shared these feelings. This kiss was what their stupidity had delayed for months.

Reluctantly, they separated and rested their foreheads together.

"But what about your family friend?" Shouto finally broke the silence.

"I made him up," Momo lifted her head and looked at him.

"To make me jealous?"

"That depends, did it work?" She scrunched her nose.

Shouto smirked and scoffed. "Nope."

Momo playfully hit his chest and pushed him away. "Liar!"

Another silence engulfed them. It wasn't like the silences before, it was different. This silence let them admire each other and admire the fact that the other was admiring them back.

"I love you, Momo," Shouto said these words like they were bursting to get out of him.

Momo's eyes widened. "Y-you do?"

"It's okay if you don-"

"I do, Shouto, I love you too." The words came out so beautifully that SHouto didn't even know if she really said them.

"Are you sure?" He didn't want her to feel like he was pressuring her.

Momo laughed and put her hands on his face. "I've never been more sure of anything."

They stood there for a while, neither of them wanting to move.

"Well, I gotta go," Momo said, picking up her backpack. "I've got homework." She would much rather stay there with him but she had to leave.

"I'll do it with you," Shouto said, wanting to spend more time with her.

Momo tried to hide her smile.

She was failing horribly.

"You're so sweet but I don't think any homework will be done if you're there," she said. "You're gonna distract me."

Shouto furrowed his eyebrows. "I won't distract you." He put on an honest face. But she knew he would.

"Yes, you will."

He opened his mouth to argue but Momo put her finger up to stop him.

"I will text you to come over when I'm done."

Shouto sighed loudly and dramatically. "Ugh, fine."

"Gosh, dating you is going to be a hassle, you're so needy," Momo said playfully.

Shouto laughed. Momo loved that sound.

"Well, technically I haven't asked you yet."

"Asked me what?" Momo played dumb.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Momo Yaoyorozu, will you go on a romantic date with me?"

"Hmmm, let me think," Momo smiled as Shouto shook his head with an exasperated smile on his face.

"Yes, Shouto, I will go on a date with you."


A/N~ Wow, it's the end. It's all over. I know you all have been waiting for this moment and I have finally given it to you. 

Thank you for staying with this story through my hard times like when I took an extended break and when I got sick. You guys are all amazing. If you had told me when I started this story that tens of thousands of people would read it, I wouldn't have believed it. But to be here now and see that it's real is crazy.

Thank you for getting this story to #1 on Todomomo! That is so crazy that it has happened multiple times and I can't even form the worst to express my gratitude for you guys. Thank you also for over 1000 votes and over 40k views you all are truly the best.

Thank you for the feedback, the nice comments, and most of all thank you for reading

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