Jealous pt.1

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Momo blew raspberries on the floor as she laid on her stomach on the floor of Shouto's dorm room. "I'm sooooo bored," she pouted towards Shouto who was sitting in the corner reading a book.

"What do you want to you?" His eyes flitted away from her book and met her eyes but once he was met with her midnight eyes, he quickly looked away.

She flipped over on her back and looked at the upside down boy in front of her. "If I knew what I wanted to do, I wouldn't be bored," Momo gave him a mischievous smile which he responded to by shaking his head in amusement.

"Let's just go take a walk," Shouto got up from where he was sitting and slipped on his shoes and put on his jacket.

"Do I get a say in this?" Momo got up and crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows.



Shouto and Momo met up in the back of Heights Alliance and started walking. They didn't have a destination, they were just walking.

"So...what do you like to do for fun?"

Shouto looked at her confused, "We've been hanging out for over a month, how has that question never come up?"

Momo shrugged, "It probably has." She turned her head towards him, "Maybe it was when you still acted like a robot."

Shouto turned towards her and did the unthinkable, he cracked a smirk.

Momo's jaw dropped and was so in shock that she forgot to walk and left Shouto walking by himself until he turned around with one eyebrow raised.

"Um, Momo?" She almost fell flat on her face at the sound of her name. Did he just smile? And say my first name. What just happened?


A/N- Sorry for not posting. I was feeling pretty sick and couldn't really do anything. I will be posting again in a few day since this chapter is so short. 

Thank you for reading!♡

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