"Did something happen, Todoroki?"

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Momo's hesitated before she knocked on Todoroki's door. What will the girls think of this? They made a pretty big deal about it this morning. Momo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at this thought. But it's just Todoroki...

The sudden opening of the door snapped her out of her thoughts and she was met with the steely gaze of Shoto Todoroki. His hair was wet just like it was the night before but he was wearing clothes this time. Momo's face heated up at the image of his abs in her brain.

"Oh, hi Shoto!" Todoroki's eyes narrowed at the use of his first name. His father always addressed him like that and he hated the sound of it. (Weirdly enough, it sounded so natural coming from Momo's lips...)

"Don't call me that," this probably sounded really harsh but Todoroki tended to avoid his father or any thoughts about his father at all costs. "Are you actually taking this seriously, Yaoyorozu?" The dual-haired boy couldn't fathom how something so frivolous could be so important to her. 

"Call me Momo! I insist!"

"I'll pass." He shook his head so that some of the water drops fell on his shirt and down his face. Momo had the urge to wipe them off of his jawline, but she contained herself. "Why is this little 'bet' so important to you?"

Momo pouted at his question but when she saw that he was serious, she just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Todoroki was shocked, though, you couldn't see it on his face. He had never seen his classmate like this, she was always polite and quiet and he never seen her this bold. Is this really the same Yaoyorozu I sit next to in class?

"Of course it's important!" Momo booped him on the nose and walked into his dorm. "Laughter is the best medicine!" He stood there blinking in response, unable to process what just happened. She's so confident right now, but she's the exact opposite in class....

"What are you doing?" Todoroki questioned the dark haired girl who was now sitting on the floor in the middle of his room.

"Well it's not gonna happen standing in the doorway!" Momo scrunched her nose at him. Todoroki considered kicking her out but he thought that'd be too harsh. It was just a harmless bet. He sighed and closed the door.

Momo slightly jumped as he flopped down on the floor in front of her. He sat with his legs crossed and his elbow resting on his knee while his head held his chin up. "What exactly are you gonna do?"

"You ask way too many questions," Momo stared straight into his heterochromatic eyes as if he was a puzzle she couldn't figure out. She leaned forward to look at his eyes a little bit closer as Todoroki just blinked in confusion. 

"Are you trying to make me laugh just by staring at me?" He watched Momo lean back and slightly blush. Then she cocked her head sideways and looked at his with a confused look. Todoroki seems different today, she thought to herself.

"Did something happen, Todoroki?" She didn't want to risk using his first name and getting on his nerves. "You seem angry." She couldn't read him well but his eyebrows were constantly pointed downward and his fists seemed to be constantly clenched.

Todoroki's eyebrows hitched upwards at what she just said. How could she see that I was angry? I look like my normal self. "No, I'm fine," he avoided her gaze and suddenly found his bedframe very interesting to look at. 

He was, indeed, angry. His father had called him just before she had arrived. Just thinking about his father made him angry so talking to him was a whole nightmare. Especially since he was insisting on training him again.

"You're about as good a liar as you are at showing emotions," Momo's voice was amused but deep down she actually wanted to know how he was feeling. Of course, he would never tell her, but she knew that would never happen.

"I'm not lying."

"Mhm... ok." As if I'm going to believe that. "Fine, if you don't want to tell me what happened, let's just start."

The rest of that night was spent with Momo reading jokes off of her phone and Todoroki keeping the same emotionless expression. 

                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Did she really think that that was going to work? Todoroki thought to himself after she gathered her stuff to leave. She probably enjoyed her own jokes more than I did.

"It's late," Momo yawned as she headed towards the door. She turned towards him and cocked her head to the side again. "Do you need to say something?" 

Todoroki's eyebrows hitched upwards once again at her analysis. How can she read me so well? 

"Did you actually think that that would work?" It sounded pretty rude and he realized this but he kept going. "The corny jokes, knock-knock jokes, and riddles?"

Momo gave him a smirk which was not what he was expecting. "I was just warming you up for next time."

Todoroki nodded but quickly snapped his head back to her in confusion. She looked like she was trying to hold back laughter. "Wait, what do you mean next time? You're coming back?"

Momo giggled at him, "Of course!"

He pressed his two of his fingers to his temple and sighed which made her laugh out loud.

"Oh, come on," she swatted her hand dismissively at him. "I'm great company!"

Todoroki couldn't disagree with that. Having her bubbly laughter fill his room for the past two hours wasn't the worst thing in the world. It was quite pleasant, actually, he didn't hang out with many people and even though he was practically forced to do this with Momo, he didn't hate it.

"Well, I'm tired," Momo yawned again and stretched her arms dramatically into the air. "Goodnight Shouto!" She quickly hurried out of his room before he could say tell her not to call him that.

Weirdly enough, it hadn't crossed his mind to tell her that.


AN- From now on, I'm going to be referring to Todoroki as Shouto since that's what I did in the description. Sorry if it's confusing.

Also I'm going to try and post every week now.

Thank you for reading! 

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