Depth Duo

528 17 76

Fan-art Art above is by anonymous! (Person did not want to be named.)

ocean man where the heck did you take me

Mono slowly woke up with an ache in his head. He felt the softness of cotton and other undefined materials under him.

His eyes still closed, he listened into his surroundings. The distance drips of water, the humming of ventilation, footsteps.


"Who's he?" An unfamiliar male voice asked.

"Mono, I've told you about him." A familiar voice responded. Mono's heart picked up speed at the familiarity.

"Ohhh, that's what he looks like?"

"Yes, I told you lots of times."

"I can't remember all the kids you tell me about, you tell me so many!"

"I've only told you about 4, dear."

"It was definitely more than that."

Mono slowly opened his eyes, his paper bag was still on. It was quite dark wherever he was, yet he could clearly make out a face above him that was looking at his face through his eyeholes.

Then, the kid lit a match to give me light to see them properly- A slightly pale black-haired girl with a few strands of ginger hair wore a dark orange hooded robe that was a bit baggy for her. The hood was currently on.

It was always on, he remembers her.

"Three?" Mono groaned, he didn't mean for it to come out like that but his head still ached and he was still kinda in the process of fully waking up.

(For anyone who forgot, Three isn't a hunchback in this AU since she never had the encounter with the mirror man. She never went inside the house he was in.)

He paused for a moment.

"Three?!" Mono repeated again, more excitement this time. He sat up, Three helping him up. "Ah, Mono! It's so good to see you again after these years!" She responded cheerfully. "And oh my god, so many scars! Gladiator been taking a toll on you, huh?"

Mono rubbed his head but quickly pulled back his hand once his head- mostly the back of it- gave a sharp stinging pain. He slipped his hand under his paper bag and gently felt again. Realizing he had bandages wrapped around the upper part of his head.

Though that was understandable, he did hit his head hard when the vent fell. Wasn't surprised he needed some medical attention up there.

Mono looked around the room. It was quite dark but he guessed he must be in some hideaway home, a small campfire was placed in the middle of the hideout. Materials to build it were gathered and lit from the trash sitting around in the lower levels.

He knew Three could definitely have more fire lighting up the room than that, there was more than enough trash sitting around here in the hideout right now to do it.

It was like she was intentionally keeping the light low- But nevermind that! He was so confused yet happy to see Three. Mono had many questions...

"How are-" Mono was cut off by Three.

"You're so lucky Randy found you. Seriously, you'd be dead without him." Three said casually, speaking as if he knew whoever 'Randy' was.

"Who..?" Mono asked, figuring it was the unfamiliar voice he heard before he opened his eyes but he would like to actually know.

With the question, he heard footsteps approach him and Three. Soon a figure appeared before him. He hasn't noticed them sooner since they were too far away and still in the darkness, but as they moved towards him he could notice the dark outline of their body in the darkness.

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