Young Blood and Old Secrets

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Fanart above is by Justakidwithstories (been having lots of issues and glitches trying to get the picture to show, no clue if anyone can even see it.)

okay guys uh I have a problem.

I have been rereading some chapters, and I realized I accidentally made a plothole... So remember the chapter "Fight For Luxury" and that there was a scene where Shadow Six was thinking about how it was better to be on The Pretender's side since Six's plan was failing but then she realized she probably needed to be in The Pretender's operation to be guaranteed freedom?

yeah I'm pretty sure there was never a scene where she actually found out about The Pretender's child army

so to patch up this plot hole let's say she once overheard The Pretender speaking about her child army to Scarf in a holding room but barely got any details about it. She only believes it's a small (max of 5) group of children who may be out to get them.

alright any protest to this patch? No? Hope not because this is what I'm gonna use.

Also I've officially ran out of canon characters to use for the remaining major and minor roles so I'm gonna pull out some OCs. 

(If you're gonna suggest me using that beanie kid and red hat kid from the comics, no. I can't for reasons that'll be a spoiler of this AU)


-Mono POV-

I woke up extremely tired, what was that? Three minutes of sleep? I was so exhausted, this must be because I stayed up so late doing the missions for The Pretender.

I rolled over to the edge of the ledge, not even bothering to get up. I peaked over the edge of the ledge, everyone else was awake.

Everyone was talking with each other, except Six. She wasn't talking to anyone. She was next to the heat vent trying to unscrew the screws with her hands, she had no success of course but she kept on trying despite that.

I felt bad, I wish I could just open the vent for all of them using my metal piece but it would only lead to me being discovered.

I started thinking about the things that I believe would occur if they ever found out about my secret, the thoughts scared me and made me make sure my metal piece was at the bottom of my pocket. It was thankfully.

I quietly sighed and lied still on the edge of the ledge, I was planning on just lying there for only a few minutes or so before moving away from the edge but I ended up falling asleep in that spot.





I woke up, feeling a sudden pain in my back.

I lied there for a bit, my eyes shut. The pain in my back throbbing. I heard things moving around me and the sounds of footsteps, I opened my eyes to see my cellmates surrounding me. They all looked worried, well, all except Shadow Six.

Shadow Six was the farthest person away from me and for some reason, she looked very surprised instead of worried. As if she's seen something she couldn't believe which I found very weird.

"Are you okay, Mono? You fell off the ledge!" Eight said worriedly.

"Oh, I did?" I said sleepily, the pain in my back beginning to fade away. "I'm sorry, I was just exhausted. I didn't have a good sleep last night and ended up staying up late. I must've fallen asleep lying next to the ledge."

"So you're okay?" One asked.

"Yeah, I am." I said.

"Okay, good because we have something else to ask..." One said.

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