Fight For Luxury

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Y'all know the drill by now for fanart showcases.

Also, wow. I was going through my little script for this AU (it's filled with major plot points and ideas) and I just realized were actually close to the end.

Not like, 3 chapters away close but a bit over halfway there.

Also, grab your popcorn and soda. This is a really long chapter.


2:00 PM

The morning battle was about to begin.

Six and the others were in the right holding room, chatting with each other and stuff. Everyone except Twenty-One was in their usual holding rooms. Twenty-One was with Six and the others instead of with The Pretender and the others.

The door to the right holding room opened. The Hanging Man stood in the entrance, holding another cage, which was unexpected since everybody was here.

Unless.... Ugh.

"Please don't be The Pretender," Mono begged.

A new kid was thrown into the holding room,  they were a boy. He was thin and he sorta resembled Five. Wearing a dark green cloak, however, unlike Five his cloak wasn't torn nor baggy. He had black hair and just like all (most?) of us his hair covered his eyes.

The new kid looked like he was 10 or 11.

"Oh, It actually wasn't The Pretender." Mono said, surprised.

The kid got up, smiling as he looked at all the other kids.

"Uh, Hey!" He said.

Six, Mono, Shadow Six, and One walked over to the new kid.

"Hey, who are you?" Six asked.

"I'm Slinky." He said.

"It's nice to meet you, Slinky." Six said.

"S l i n k y?" Shadow Six said.

"Slinky is a really weird name." Mono said which resulted in Six elbowing Mono.

"Hey!" Mono said.

"Oh uh. No, it's okay! I'm used to it." Slinky smiled.

-Six POV-

"So, how long have you been in The Maw? Like, did they cage you up somewhere for a few days?" I asked

Slinky looked at me, however he was looking a bit off to the side. As if he wasn't really looking at me, I looked behind me but there was nothing of interest. I looked back at Slinky, a bit confused but I brushed it off and ignored it.

"Uhm, I've been here for 1 day. 2 days now, I guess.  I was caught yesterday, I was kept alone in my cage, which was very small by the way, and I overheard some staff or something saying I'll be put with another child today after some battle?" Slinky said. "Do you know what they mean by that?"

"Oh, well-" Six was cut off by Twenty-One.

"Hi, newbie!" Twenty-One came over, waving towards him.

"Oh, Uh, Hey!" Slinky said, smiling.

"I'm Twenty-One, you?" She said.

"I'm Slinky." He said.

"Oh! That's a unique name! I like it!" She said. "Slinky, Slinky, Slinky! It's fun to say!"

"Twenty-One is a pretty unique name, too!" Slinky said.

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now