It's for the Greater Good

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Credits to Baileywow for the amazing art!

Also, guys... It happened. Again. Lazy_Artist13 has made a story heavily inspired/based on Arena AU, however, taken the form in a minimalistic comic-literature mashup fanfic! Here's the link to it, I would appreciate you guys checking it out and giving them some love when you got time like the previous one!

Anyways, commence the story! It's a bit shorter than usual, now it's the word count of a regular fanfic chapter. I know... despicable...


It was heading into past midnight when Ghost and Mono snuck out, creeping through the ventilation system to head towards the lower, wet levels of The Depths. Mono was of course in the front, Ghost excitedly following their mentor downwards into the dark vents.

"Are we there yet?" Ghost grinned, eager to continue their training. The blanket-wearing boy had been rather enthusiastic the entire walk, feeling like he had made process in his abilities during the last time. Swimming, at least momentarily, without the need for a second arm for support was an expressive feat, and he was well aware of it.

And Mono felt proud of him. "Nearly," He replied.

With a few turns and one drop, they were arriving. Mono neared the vent they took last time, no need to pry or ram any grille off- he had done that last time. Exiting the vent carefully so as to not accidentally step on the shutters of the vent cover still lying on the floor, he entered the hall. Copying his exact movement, Ghost trailed behind.

Their quiet footsteps echoed down the dark, empty halls of The Depths as they trekked through. The metal flooring of The Depths was cold, as always, but at this rate they have gotten used to the cool feeling.

The two neared the half-flooded room they had trained at previously, the old dimming lights in the room emitting a circular ring of illumination over the old mannequins propped towards the back of the room. A familiar view, though strangely enough, an unsettling feeling washed over Mono upon their entry, he didn't know why but something about this room just felt... Off. Like something was different and he just couldn't see it.

The older boy shook the feeling off, the threats in The Depths were restricted to leeches and disease-carrying rats. Well, that and the Granny. But that crazed sea monster only takes refuge in large bodies of water down here, this halfly flooded room here was practically just a puddle in the eyes of The Granny.

Ghost rushed past Mono, bending down and running his fingers through the water with excitement. The water was still cold but that was as expected. It'd be concerning if it was warm. But luckily the water was still not too cold to bare just like last time, they could continue to train in it.

"Calm down," Mono softly chuckled, approaching Ghost's side. "Just like before, let me get in first."

The lights above the mannequins flickered, catching the brief attention of Mono; he glanced over at the lights, but not seeing anything out of the ordinary he looked back at Ghost. A smile formed on his face as he gripped the edges of his paper bag to take it off-

The lights flickered off and didn't turn back on. Startled, Mono let go of the edges of his bag and looked around. "What happened, Mono?" Ghost asked hushedly, looking around as well. Mono replied, "I don'-"

The squeaking of an old plastic joint moving cut the two off, the mannequins once encaged in the circle of lights suddenly revealed the life in them- their joints moving and bending as they could now move. Getting their bearings after how many years they were stuck, soon they all paused at once, the mannequins' life-less gazes eerily locking onto the two children across the water.

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