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This animation meme was a loving surprise from JustaKidwithStories , although I don't know fully what's going on here. I guess that's the result of making basically every room in this book gray and more gray.

whoopsie daisy accidentally took about 2 months for an update!!! silly me!!! I would say the next chapter will be out faster but honestly will it??? I'll try.

um point out spelling errors and mistakes too I try to catch every error I see but my vision is medically declining so im kinda getting worse at it :sweating_emoji:


Eight's head dully hurt, groaning as he slowly opened his eyes. Darkness swept through his vision, and he felt cold and weak. He couldn't exactly remember what had happened, only bits and pieces. His friends left him alone in his cell, then soon afterward someone had broken in- He strained his brain to recall who exactly but it brought up zero results.

He tried to move, but he could barely do so. The telltale sound of chains rattling as he moved gave him the information that whoever captured him must have taken him hostage and chained him up. Slowly and carefully, he moved back as he figured he was at the edge of the chain's length.

He bumped into a low metal bar that poked up from the floor only to smoothly curve back into the floor. Possibly a type of chain holder, being the ones that normally were used to contain an animal.

Eight's eyes fully adjusted to the darkness finally. He was in some small room about the size of a walk-in closet. Pipes lined the ceilings and a single lever was to the left side of the wall. A mop leaning against the wall beside a mop-bucket sat to the lower right corner of the room, a probably dirty puddle forming beneath the bucket.

In front of him was a metallic door. However, it was visibly locked thanks to some large key lock attached to the handle of the door. It was locked from the inside so anybody outside wouldn't be getting in that way anytime soon.

Right beside the door was a vent, the grille had been broken off and was sitting off to the left side of the vent. Allowing a passageway in and out of the room. He was probably dragged into the room while he was unconscious through there.

Eight could hear footsteps from somewhere- he couldn't exactly pinpoint where but they were close. Finally, although delayed, the fear of the situation set in. His adrenaline spiked, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't know where he was, who he'd been taken by, and what they planned to do with him. He really didn't want to find out either.

Though, despite the noises he heard, no one had come to get him.


Six rushed into the cell, hoping that this was just some cruel joke her sister was playing on her. Though they were truthful, Eight was gone. Mono and Shadow Six entered the cell behind Six.

"We're looking for Eight now." Six said quickly, "He can't be far."

"Why would he leave?" One questioned, "He was so set on staying behind. What could've made him want to leave?"

Shadow Six held a neutral expression, though she felt horribly guilty inside. She had a good clue to where Eight could be- With The Pretender. She remembered trading fake information about Eight in order to get info on Mono- she clearly bought the lie since she did give her Mono's personal information, but now what if she took actual action against Eight?

From what she've heard so far, the kids have a reason to fear her so who knows what she could be doing to Eight. This was all her fault.

Shadow Six looked towards Mono to try and read his face- Except he was wearing that paper bag- right, how could she forget. Though he must have a clue where Eight could be too since he is directly working for The Pretender.

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now