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((Marking it as April Fools so nobody can get tricked anymore. April Fools is now over and I could just delete this but I think I wanna leave this Arena AU spoof up))

oh boy is all im gonna say about this chapter.


Shadow Six woke with a start, she was being shaken by somebody.

At first, she didn't recognize who it was which scared her, but then she realized it was that Misery kid she met through the vents. Though how did she get inside?

"Hey, it's me. Misery." Misery whispered, "You remember me?"

"Uh... Yeah." Shadow Six whispered back, "What do you want?"

"You wanted me to come back here so we can hang out," Misery whispered, "Figured you did remember since you left the vent open for me."

"Left the vent open..?" Shadow whispered confusedly, sitting up. She saw the open vent.

She immediately checked her pocket for her metal piece. It was gone. Shadow Six fully stood up, getting up onto her feet. She went over to the back left wall of the wooden ledge then wall-jumped towards the wooden ledge.

She gripped onto the ledge, pulling her head above the wood to check if Mono was on it. Just as Shadow Six suspected, he was gone.

Shadow Six silently dropped from her ledge and looked back at Misery. Misery slowly clapped her hands to make no noise, "Didn't know you could wall jump." She whispered, amused.

"Learned from Mono," She said. "Speaking of Mono, he must've stolen my metal piece and left because I didn't leave that grille open for you."

"Oh tha-" Misery was cut off by the sound of Six slowly waking up, Six yawned and shifted.

Misery and Shadow Six were very still, silently praying she wasn't going to get up.

Though Shadow Six regretted not scrambling along to fix everything once Six did turn towards them, her tired gaze falling onto them. "Wah...?" She mumbled, taking in the sight. "Shadow Six...Why are you..?"

"Uh..." Shadow Six nervously mumbled, beginning to shake. She took a breath and spoke louder, "Look this may seem odd but let me explain."

Rubbing her eyes, Six sat up. "Go on."

"This is the April fools chapter therefore I am legally allowed to do suspicious things." Shadow Six blurted out.

"Damn, can't fight that logic." Six said, "But since this is the April Fools chapter..."

Six pulled out a rifle, "I can finally see how it is to commit child murder for the second time! "

"Six that's illegal." Misery said, holding her arms out. "I know we're in The Maw where child murder is legal but please take my excuse."

"It's not illegal if you don't get caught." Six countered to Misery's first statement.

"It's not illegal if all witnesses are dead." Eight, who was holding an AK-47 at Six, countered. 

"Right back at you, bitch boy." Seven, who was on Mono's ledge holding a sniper, yelled.

"I thought you were dead." Six said.

"Yeah. You died like, what? 5 chapters ago?" Shadow Six said, "How you died was really dumb, couldn't DogInATuxedo think of something better to cause a fire than spoons?"

"clearly not, she's a 2 IQ after all." Seven said, "Anyways I am alive because I simply chose to be alive."

"Makes sense." Shadow Six said.

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now