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9:30 AM


A few days passed since my self-inflicted injury, today is the day my arm is finally healed. The Janitor has taken off my bandages since my recovery.

I was waiting patiently by the bars. The Hanging Man kept going past our cell. "Do you think they'll pick me?" I asked, looking behind me and at Mono, Seven, Two, One, and Eight.

"You're in a good enough condition to fight." One pointed out. "Wouldn't be surprised if they wanted you to fight again now."

"Hey guys." Seven said. Everybody looked at Seven.

-Third Person-

"Have you heard the recent rumor?" Seven asked.

The Children looked at each other, an interested expression blooming onto their face.

"...No?" Mono said.

"The Lady got a new child, but not a regular one. It's one of those rare shadow children." Seven said.

"You mean those ones that are endangered?" Two asked, Seven nodded.

"How do you know this?" Mono said, crossing his arms.

"I heard it in the battle enter cage, remember when I got seperated from you guys yesterday?" Seven reminded.

"Right.." Mono said.

"Did I miss something?" Six asked.

"Nothing Important, just usual bloody fighting." One replied.

The Hanging Man came back to their cell, pushing a cart with 10 cages inside this time. Only 6 cages were still empty. This time they actually stopped at their cell.

The Hanging Man took out a dog pole snare. "Alright so..." He paused, thinking. "All of you are fighting this time... Yeah." He muttered to himself.

The Hanging Man caught them all, the children giving little resistance, and placed them into cages.

Six, Seven, Mono, Eight, One, and Two were dropped off in the Left Holding Room.

There was a child who must've arrived before them sitting next to the barred window. They were a child Six has never seen before, wondering if they're new or just always been in the opposite holding room.

They were a pale boy, wearing a very light yellow beige cloak, and bandaged face. The bandages would go past their neck and to their shoulders.

Six walked up to them. "Hey, who are you?" She asked. "I've never seen you before, are you new?"

"Four. And- uhm. No, I-I've been here for years. Can't say the same for you, however." The Bandaged Kid responded. "What's your name, though? I only know you as the fierce, Brutus." He asked.

"Six" She said.

The children waited in the Holding Room until the battle began. Until then, they would chat and even play with each other until they heard the Tiakos begin playing their familiar song.

Six was selected to go into the Battle Enter Cage first this round.


Once the gates to my cage lifted up, I crawled under the bars before it fully opened. I just wanted to get this fight over as fast as possible right now.

"We have a new child!" The Lady announced. "A Rare Child! One person would be lucky to get their hands on them."

The gates to the other Battle Enter cage opened. Though I can't see anyone?

Little Nightmares : Maw Arena AUWhere stories live. Discover now