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(FANART ABOVE BY Mokkedells!)

I need to say something. These kids use vents as a main source of transportation yet as far as I know, absolutely no one- not even one commenter- has made an Among Us joke yet. I'm really surprised, how have we gotten so far?

this gotta be a world record or something


Shadow Six woke with a start, she was being shaken by somebody.

At first she didn't recognize who it was which scared her, but then she realized it was that Misery kid she met through the vents. Though how did she get inside?

"Hey, it's me. Misery." Misery whispered, "You remember me?"

"Uh... Yeah." Shadow Six whispered, "What do you want?"

"You wanted me to come back here so we can hang out," Misery whispered, "I would figure you did remember since you left the vent open for me."

"Left the vent open..?" Shadow Six whispered in confusion, sitting up. She saw the open vent.

Shadow Six immediately checked her pocket for her metal piece. It was gone. Shadow Six fully stood, getting up onto her feet. She went over to the wall closest to the wooden ledge then wall jumped.

She gripped onto the ledge, pulling her head above the wood to check if Mono was on it. Just as Shadow Six suspected, he was gone.

Shadow Six silently dropped from her ledge and looked back at Misery. Misery slowly clapped her hands to make no noise, "Didn't know you could wall jump." She whispered.

"Learned from Mono," She said. "Speaking of Mono, he stole my metal piece and left because I didn't leave that grille open for you."

"Oh dang..." Misery said, "Well. If you come with me you could find Mono with a side package of fun!"

"Hmph." Shadow Six said, thinking. She was actually considering going with her. "I'll-"

She shut herself up as she heard the sounds of somebody shifting around in their sleep. Shadow Six looked over to see her sister giving telltale signs of being in the process of waking up.

Shadow Six stood still and as quiet as possible while Misery very slowly backed up to the vent.

Six stopped moving and just lied still, she stayed asleep.

Shadow Six let out a sigh of relief and looked over at Misery. Shadow Six motioned towards the vents and quietly walked over to it. She crouched down and crawled inside, going slow to make as little noise as possible.

Misery followed Shadow Six's lead, copying what she did and trailed behind her.

Shadow Six stopped once they took three turns into the ventilation system, she turned around and faced Misery. "Okay." Shadow Six began,"Now as I was saying- I'll go with you despite how shady this seems. But you'll need to give me your metal piece, assuming you have one on you."

If this goes wrong I could easily use my Shadow Paralyze to get out of the situation. Shadow Six told herself in her thoughts.

Misery nodded and handed her metal piece over with no hesitation, "It's the only one I have on me tonight so don't lose it." She said.

"Okay..." Shadow Six said.

"Alright!" Misery exclaimed, shoving past Shadow Six. She hit the side of the vent with a 'clunk' noise. "This way!" She said.

Shadow Six followed Misery, keeping distance for caution's sake. She was very aware of how this could very well all be a trap.

"It's going to take a moment to get to the place I'm taking you so why don't we chat?" Misery suggested as she crawled through the vents.

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