Burning Of The Child 2/2

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How are you currently feeling?

Okay, so this might have more error mistakes than usual, for some reason. I guess writing this when you were tired mixed in with a really long chapter isn't a good combination. 

 I tried to fix all the spelling and grammar mistakes, but I don't think I caught all of them. Seeing how my sister caught major spelling errors I didn't even see while proofreading the first half a bit before she started.

Oh also, JustKidAWithStories you can also take down the picture if you want and I'll replace it with music.



"That was close," Mono said.

"Yeah." I said.

"SEVEN! WHERE'S SEVEN!" Eight screamed.

"He's not here?!" One said.

"No!" Eight looked towards me. "Six, who was behind you?"

I thought for a moment. "Uh, I believe Seven was... behind..." I looked at the pantry blocking the vent. "Me..."

"Oh no..." I mumbled.

"SEVEN IS STILL IN THERE?!" Eight screamed, panicking.

"We gotta find a way back in there!" Eight said.

"Go to the other vent!" Mono yelled.

-Seven POV-

I stared at the pantry blocking my way. No, no, no, no... That was my only way out, I don't wanna die...

Stumbling backwards, I looked at the fire spreading around the kitchen. I turned and ran back into the main part of the kitchen, looking for another exit. Coughing and wheezing as I searched, every second it got harder to breathe.

I looked up at the vent we fell through. That was now my only exit however there was wooden cooking stuff on fire under it so I couldn't just stack things to climb up. I noticed that there was a wooden broom leaning on a counter, miraculously it wasn't on fire yet.

I grabbed the broom and began to try to put it over the burning stuff. I managed to get the broom tip to rest on the vent.

I carefully climbed up the broom, coughing and wheezing a lot since I was up with the smoke.

I got very close to the vent. Getting very excited, having so much hope of survival, but still kept carefully moving towards it. Not rushing or else it could ruin everything.

But then, I noticed the broom tip was sliding and was about to fall. That's when I quit being careful and ran up the broom as fast as I could.

When the broom finally slipped and began falling I jumped, I almost reached the vent but I missed it by just a few inches.

Getting so close to freedom, safety... but having just ripped away from me....

I fell towards the fire.

But as I said before, there was cooking stuff on fire. Not the whole counter, so I had a chance to survive this.

I fell right next to the fire, the fire caught my shirt. My shoulder being lit up into flames, it quickly spread down my shirt and burned my skin.

I screamed, my blood-curdling screams echoed through the room as I scrambled backwards and fell off the counter. Hitting my head.

-Eight POV-

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