All Ghosts Go Away Eventually.

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okay. this took a rlly long time to upload but this time I have a valid excuse.

halloween went depressingly terribly (i wasn't even able to celebrate), thanksgiving had a lot of family drama, then a week and a half after thanksgiving my pet died from a sudden heart attack, christmas kinda sucked, also I've been incredibly busy with my french + german lessons, and I've also been losing motivation to write since I've been rather stressed as I'm suffering from frequent emotional breakdowns and might go to therapy!!!! but worse of all my murder drone merch got lost in the mail :( 

so if my judgement is right, I SHOULD have the "didnt-update-on-time" pass! woohoo I love not being held accountable for my responsibilities! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

I pulled myself together to try and pry together a chapter to feed y'all finally. you better eat this up even if its not as good as my usual.

Also, on a more serious note, a genuine request. Please stop coming into my dms asking if the series is discontinued and if you can finish it or have the book instead. I do not want to come off as rude as I am aware this was not meant in malice but just genuine passion for a beloved fic, but please don't do that. I am perfectly fine with people checking up on me because I do take far too long to update my stories, but I am not planning on letting anyone take this book off my hands unless I am dying. I have a clear plot and story in my head that I am passionate about finishing, regardless of what life throws at me.

So don't worry, this fic isn't being tossed in the dumpster. If anything, I'd be in that dumpster before this book-

but anyways, more importantly, there is also GREAT NEWS!!!! LavenderIsTheWorst has taken up the task of deciding to make a fan-comic illustrating the chapters of LN:MAAU! at this rate maw arena might just become its own genre.

here's the link! GO READ ASAP!!!

anyhow, here's the story finally.


It was a new day on The Maw; the early morning in the cell rooms was silent and dark. It was hours away from a battle, allowing the kids to stay in slumber. Mono was deeply asleep atop his ledge as always, using his trenchcoat tail as somewhat of a blanket in his sleep.

Mono recently hadn't been doing great on sleep, not really collecting enough Z's ever since the older boy started waking up early to train Ghost, making moments of deep sleep like these really appreciated.

Just underneath the ledge was Ghost. The young boy was wide awake, curiously staring up at the edge of the hanging ledge. Having a mental discussion with himself about how he should try to scale up there. Mono would typically impressively wall-jump to reach the ledge, as that's just how he'd always do it, but wall-jumping wasn't something Ghost knew how to do. He doesn't think he's even physically athletic enough to ever do that, either.

"Mono." Ghost said lowly, not wanting to wake the others. But speaking at such a volume wouldn't wake up Mono either, especially if he's practically a level away from him. Thinking, he looked around at his surroundings.

When the other kids sneakily left their cells he had always noticed how they kept a slim piece of metal pocketed in their clothes. Perhaps he could use that to wake up Mono? Quietly, he stood up and made his way toward Six. Recalling her having one.

His moments were slow and concentrated, not wanting to wake up Six who was sleeping as comfortably as one could be on the floor. Nor be... this close to her. He knew Six really has done nothing wrong, and he has been trying to ease up to her- he really has been, he stopped cowering behind Shadow Six to face Six head-on in her little pep talk. Just...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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